
Showing posts from January, 2012

excel - How to stop loading Worksheet_Change function before running a macro? -

i have written macro collate data various sources in different sheets. want run track changes code here after collating data. however, since code within worksheet_change function, loading before running macro attached button. moment run macro, marking data changed. how can prevent happening? i figured out. added if conditional statement break out if conditions not met , wait macro check in.

ruby on rails - Query ActiveRecord with file permission type mathematical formula -

so standard file permissions written in 0 7: 7 = 4+2+1 (read/write/execute) 6 = 4+2 (read/write) 5 = 4+1 (read/execute) 4 = 4 (read) 3 = 2+1 (write/execute) 2 = 2 (write) 1 = 1 (execute) so lets want save permissions on record same way. how place query/scope on records permit "read" permissions. for example 4 == :record_permission % (4+1) should return readable permission records. - How to transfer data between different web applications -

i have multiple web application in single solution. it's not possible use sessions transfer data between pages of these applications. how can in secure manner? thanks. thanks answers. after more research found single sing on (sso) solve problem. read article "architectural approach of domain independent single sign on implementation applications." here:

ios - how to add cocoapods to an exsisting project? -

i have project written in objective-c libraries. possible migrate project cocoapods? if yes, please explain how this? just add cocoapods project usual way. add existing libraries project using podfile well. once update pods , libraries available in project under pods. can safely delete previous libraries project if had copied them project.

python - Why do I get the error -

# read original bitmap file, goal encode message in original bitmap file , output encoded bitmap file infile=open("c:\users\livio\desktop\imo2015.bmp","rb") message=open("c:\users\livio\desktop\honourable mention - imo 2014.pdf","rb") outfile=open("c:\users\livio\desktop\output.bmp","wb") outfile.write(header) #below technique used encoding message def base10tobase2(number): little_endian_digits_list=[] power=0 while number>0: digit=number%(2**(power+1)) number=number-digit little_endian_digits_list.append(digit/(2**power)) power=power+1 while len(little_endian_digits_list)<8: little_endian_digits_list.append(0) return little_endian_digits_list y=54 x in messagecontent: base2list=base10tobase2(ord(x)) z in base2list: if ord(body[y])==255:

javascript - Unable to get $.each to work in JQuery -

a working example without $.each failed example $.each i'm using a pie chart plugin gets data data attributes of li render pie. ran problem when tried running script in $.each function. looks fails data data attributes of each container. can figure out how solve that? function chart(chartid,stats) { new chart.pie(chartid, { showtooltips: true, chartminsize: [200, 200], chartmaxsize: [250, 250], chartdata: stats }); } $('.p_pie').each(function(){ var chartid = $(this).attr('id'), arr = [], stats = $(this).find('.stats_area li:not(:first)').map(function() { return [$(this).data('value').split(',')]; }).get(); chart(chartid,stats); console.log(json.stringify(stats)); }); html: <div id='mychart' class='fl p_pie'></div> <ul class='stats_area legend fl shr pieid'> <li>gender</li> <li class='pie_0' data-value='male

Read xlsx file and convert into xml using xslt -

can me out in reading content of simple excel xlsx file using xslt convert xml. simple program in helping me understand procedure of great help. for example: have movie 1(cell a1) title 1(cell b) , movie 2(cell a2) , title 2(cell b2) in excel file how able read data using xslt?

Spreadsheet or script properties for simple index in Google apps script? -

i'm programming google apps script store tiddliwiki ( tiddlywiki .com). receives files , store them within google drive. never overwrites file, creates new 1 on every upload. performance reasons want maintain index of latest version of each file , id. i'm using properties service achieve this. when file uploaded, store name:id. way retrieving file name not require search in full folder neither check latest version. i'm worried how many entries can store on script properties store. i'm thinking using spreadsheet save index, don't know difference in terms of performance compared properties service. here question: can stick properties service achieve task or should switch google spreadsheets? performance worse? alternative index? thanks in advance. edit: since store few hundred of entries, using json file index. take time load text , parse it? it depends on amount of files you're expecting. few thousand files, property service might , surely easi

javascript - Is it possible to include the comment in a comment by using JS or other PL? -

is possible include comment in comment using other languages? condition i'am building static website, need avoid using php. i know has been asked already, , it here . answer states need use version control, answer on year 2011. question the same here , says not possible in html, answer on year 2012. there other methods out there? it's 2015, maybe can achieve using js? i use in situation can make sources online (if have internet) , offline (if don't have internet). sample code: <!-- offline sources --> <script type="text/javascript" src="javascripts/javapreloadjs-0.4.1.min.js"></script> <!-- preloadjs-0.4.1.min.js --> <script type="text/javascript" src="javascripts/bitmapdata-1.0.2.min.js"></script> <!-- bitmapdata-1.0.2.min.js --> <script type="text/javascript" src="javascripts/vector3d-1.2.0.min.js"></script> <!-- vector3d-1.2.0.min.js --> &

javascript - Get ANSI color for character at index -

i have developed couleurs npm package can set append rgb method string.prototype : > console.log("hello world!".rgb(255, 0, 0)) // "hello world!" in red hello world! undefined > "hello world!".rgb(255, 0, 0) '\u001b[38;5;196mhello world!\u001b[0m' this works fine. what's proper way ansi color/style of character @ index i ? probably can hacked regular expressions, i'm not sure if that's (however, if correct implementation available i'm not against it)... i'd prefer native way color/style accessing character interpreted tty. > function getstyle (input, i) { /* style @ index `i` */ return style; } > getstyle("hello world!".rgb(255, 0, 0), 0); // style of first char { start: "\u001b[38;5;196m", end: "\u001b[0m", char: "h" } > getstyle("hello " + "world!".rgb(255, 0, 0), 0); // style of first char { start: "", end: &quo

condition - Verify that the logic !(a==k || b==k || c==k) is not equivalent to (a != k || b!=k || c!=k) -

i ran bug in program had differentiate between cases stated in title. a,b,c distinct entities either a,b, or c may equal k. my intent, represented compound logical statement, if a,b,or c equals k (a==k or b==k or c==k), statement should return false. the buggy expression was: (a!=k || b!=k || c!=k) correction was: !(a==k || b==k || c==k) reasoning being former says @ a,b, , c needs equal k statement false. i wanted verify correction. (a == k || b == k || c == k) equivalent !(a != k && b != k && c != k) . application of de-morgan's law . the formal proof not easy not attempt give it. (but 1 of first proofs can once you've established mathematical axioms.) can prove statements not equivalent using counterexample: setting a != b mean (a != k || b != k || c != k) always true, !(a == k || b == k || c == k) might true.

flash - How to draw a UML Class\Interface hierarchy, identifying which nodes are classes and which are interfaces -

task1: movies in movie store application, asked consider following kinds of movies: movie , class describing kinds of movies. action , movie containing lots of explosions. romance , movie romantic interest drives plot comedy , movie largely humorous content mystery , - dunnit movie rescue , hybrid action - romance movie, main character attempts save or romantic interest doom. romantic comedy , hybrid romance – comedy large amounts of both humorous , romantic content. hollywood blockbuster , action – romance - comedy – mystery movie designed please crowds. what interfaces , classes use represent previous list of movies? write answer drawing uml class/interface hierarchy, identifying nodes classes , interfaces. note there must class each type of movies, may use interfaces require preserve relationships between types. resulting uml structure task can on diagram below. there 2 possible ways it. define movie class attribute named category. category enume

android - Using WifiManager.startScan() -

after wifimanager.startscan() use yields different values after every 6 seconds. how force new values of scan sooner? need new result possible, ideally every 10ms. possible somehow? @ moment, i´m using code: wifi.startscan(); vysledek = wifi.getscanresults(); int sizelist = vysledek.size(); (int = 0; < sizelist; a++) { // porovnani vysledku s pripojenou ssid// if (vysledek.get(a).ssid.equalsignorecase(ssid)) { tw5.settext(vysledek.get(a).ssid); tw6.settext(vysledek.get(a).bssid); tw7.settext(string.valueof(vysledek.get(a).level)); tw8.settext(string.valueof(system.currenttimemillis())); } } sleep(); wifi.startscan(); vysledek = wifi.getscanresults(); sizelist = vysledek.size(); (int = 0; < sizelist; a++) { // porovnani vysledku s pripojenou ssid// if (vysledek.get(a).ssid.equalsignorecase(ssid)) { tw9.settext(

AngularJS odd behaviour with model in view -

i having pretty odd behaviour model/view data in angular. 2 issues really. in controller, have following code, used update dates in view. $scope.setcurrentdates = function () { var centreindex = $scope.state.indexofcentredate, centreindexitem = $scope.state.alldays[centreindex], itemleft = $scope.state.alldays[centreindex - 1], itemright = $scope.state.alldays[centreindex + 1]; $timeout(function () { $scope.state.currentdates.centre = $scope.state.alldays[centreindex].isostringdate; $scope.state.currentdates.left = itemleft.isostringdate; $scope.state.currentdates.right = itemright.isostringdate; $scope.state.isupdatingdate = false; }); }; and in view, have following right/progress nav arrow: <a> <span class="day">{{state.currentdates.right

css - Google Web Fonts is not working on Android 4.2.2 with Khmer language -

i'm trying show khmer language in android. in android version 4.1.2 , 4.4+, khmer language working fine. in android version 4.2.2 khmer language not displayed character. got blank space text. this example of khmer language that's using google web fonts : . can open browser support @font-face display khmer text except android 4.2.2. every khmer websites opened android 4.2.2, see blank space , , ... please know how solve problem. tested emulator , real device sony , samsung that's using android 4.2.2. update: in google web fonts, problem khmer language not displaying. other fonts working. try here : in android 4.2.2 on our custom font have text-rendering: optimizelegibility enabled. causing font not display in android 4.2.2. use font custom symbols. i have been debugging sort of problem past week. not know if s

javascript - can't push notifications to ios using windowsazure -

im trying use script in mobile services push notifications ios mobile keep getting script error in logs although when adding record mobile being added notification not send,can me error? script in mobile services tab in azure of ios: function insert(item, user, request) { request.execute(); // set timeout delay notification, provide time // app closed on device demonstrate toast notifications settimeout(function() { push.apns.send(item.devicetoken, { alert: "toast: " + item.text, payload: { inappmessage: "hey, new item arrived: '" + item.text + "'" } }, function (error) { if (!error) { alert:"msg sent successfully" } }); }, 2500); }

Mysql changing default engine -

how change mysql engine myisam. having mysql innodb want change engine myisam. have do? create table `classifieds_category` ( `id` int(11) not null auto_increment, `site_id` int(11) not null, `template_prefix` varchar(200) not null, `name` varchar(200) not null, `slug` varchar(50) not null, `enable_contact_form_upload` tinyint(1) not null default '0', `contact_form_upload_max_size` int(11) not null default '1048576', `contact_form_upload_file_extensions` varchar(200) not null default 'txt,doc,odf,pdf', `images_max_count` int(11) not null default '0', `images_max_width` int(11) not null default '1024', `images_max_height` int(11) not null default '1024', `images_max_size` int(11) not null default '1048576', `description` longtext not null, `sortby_fields` varchar(200) not null, `sort_order` int(10) unsigned not null default '0', primary key (`id`), key `classifieds_category_6223029` (

sql - Import dump file -

i totally new in oracle world , need help. installed oracle free version oraclexe112_win64 , has got dump file need import. there can guide me how it? thank's can tell me happens here when import dump file. following: username: system password: connected to: oracle database 11g express edition release - production import data (yes/no): no > yes import file: expdat.dmp > c:\buildings22.dmp enter insert buffer size (minimum 8192) 30720> 30720 export file created export:v11.01.00 via conventional path warning: objects exported buildings22, not import done in we8mswin1252 character set , al16utf16 nchar character set import server uses al32utf8 character set (possible charset conversion) list contents of import file (yes/no): no > yes imp-00402: invalid parameter "show" data_only mode imp-00000: import terminated unsuccessfully how can check if import dump file? how can display content of dump file, tables in oracle sql developer? apo

android - detect source download of applications from web like google analytics campaign -

i'm developing android app, , publish website. if publish app google play can use campaign measurement detect source download, , want use feature when publish app own website detect partner ids when redirect user want download app websites website. i have no idea problem, have way app knows query(ex: ?referrer=abc) of url users use download apps?

javascript - How to add different days on one of the following countdown time function? -

the following javascript code contains 3 functions 2 of counts times daily , csw timer occurs once every 7 days (sunday), however, want make bdwtimer() not everyday wednesday (3) , friday(5). struggling how since @ moment it's everyday specific hours? how can appreciated ... time! for example: if monday -- bdw timer should display 2(days until wednesday):x hours:x minutes:x seconds .. if wednesday should display 0 days , rest , if done day (total of 4 events) move on next friday, again: 2(days until wednesday):x hours:x minutes:x seconds .. <script> var currdate = new date(); var currdate = new date(); var day = currdate.getday(); var hrs = currdate.gethours(); var hrs0 = currdate.gethours(); var hrs00 = currdate.gethours(); var mins = currdate.getminutes(); var secs = currdate.getseconds(); var cswday = 7; var cswhrs = 19; var fthrs1 = 6; var fthrs2 = 14; var fthrs3 = 22; var bdwhrs1 = 5; var bdwhrs2 = 11; var bdwhrs3 = 17; var bdwhrs4 = 23; var ftmins1 = 59; var

security - Strategies for safely storing and using user credentials testing environments -

problem i setting set of e2e tests on existing web-app. requires automated login on login-page (mail & password). far, still developing tests, have been putting test account credentials in cleartext in test scripts. have been removing credentials manually before each commit, not hold proper automated testing on server somewhere, nor if developers should able run tests comfort of own computers. furthermore, tests need able run several different sets of user credentials, , credential safety critical. since need test access rights, seems cannot avoid having @ least 1 test account access confidential data. question so question is: strategies know of, or use, safely storing , using test credentials in testing environments on developer machines, separate servers, or both? prior research i have spent few days looking around web (mostly stackoverflow, , many attempts @ using google-fu) asking colleagues, without finding known , used strategies handling , storing credentials i

java - Passing EntityManager object to all BusinessLayer methods -

i know if passing reference entitymanager object businesslayer methods anti-pattern or no. public void setcost(entitymanager em, int idproduct); public void updateproduct(entitymanager em, productentity product); i find pattern practical since let me manage grouping of muliple methods build personalised transactions... public void initproduct(entitymanager em, productentity product) { ... tx.begin() ... setcost(em, idproduct); updateproduct(em, product); ... tx.commit(); } ps: i not using spring framework. the jpa based business layer , data access layer intended used in desktop app. thanks it seems unnecessary effort pass parameter, since can inject easier through @persistencecontext . or if don't have dependency injection container, might want turn responsibility other way around anyways. instead of passing entitymanager parameter, have implementation fetch somewhere (e.g. jndi).

javascript - Validations in Popup for form -

am working on login form in popup.. when form submitted returning validations , displaying errors want compare database in pop , display error message if login , password not matched had tried ajax email , password compared db.. js: function login_validation(){ //worked validations empty string , email filter...they working fine displaying errors $(document).ready(function(){ $("#upwd").on("focusout",function(){ var uemail = $("#uemail").val(); var upwd = $("#upwd").val(); $.ajax({ type: "post", url: "checkl_login.php", data: 'uemail='+uemail+'&upwd='+upwd, success: function(msg){ $('#status').html(msg); return false; } }); }); }); } html: <form name=&

debugging - "skipped loading symbols for ngen binary" for C# dll -

i'm trying debug c# dll native c++ executable. have c# com object loaded , run native code via idispatch. built in debug, both c# , c++ code. whilst can see c++ code, , c++ dlls have symbols loaded , available debugging, breakpoints etc c# code refuses play. what see c# dlls refuse load symbol pdbs, reporting "skipped loading symbols ngen binary" in modules window. incidentally, debugging c# solution here, have set native executable 'start external program' in com project's debug settings. now can start c++ executable , attach it, , works expect - symbols load , can set breakpoints in c#. this using visual studio 2013u4. there setting enable mixed-mode debugging? 1 niggle native code built vs2010. here's module window - note pdbs , dlls in single directory, can see c++ dlls loaded, not c# ones. here's modules window - note 3rd entry evcom dll (the com object) assume entry enabling debugging. there nothing of interest in output w

javascript - jsplumb disable adding the class -

i use jsplumb library , run problem: in object $(".#{instance_id}") added class _jsplumb_endpoint_anchor_ . how disable adding class object? my code on coffee script: jsplumb.connect source: port_id target: instance_id such _jsplumb_ classes used jsplumb internally management, there no usual way disable it, since might affect functionality. a alternative add own class on top of jsplumb defaults control need, or add css class added jsplumb reference : - change defaults.

jquery - calculate the difference by using javascript betwenn the two dates -

here 2 date variable date , 1 todaydate. i need calculate day in between today date , date. var s=jsonarray[0].new_startdate;//retrive s value json array var datestring = s.substr(6); var currenttime = new date(parseint(datestring )); var month = currenttime.getmonth() + 1; var day = currenttime.getdate(); var year = currenttime.getfullyear(); var date = month + "/" +day + "/" + year; var currentdatetime = new date(); var todaydate= (currentdatetime.getmonth() + 1) + '/' + currentdatetime.getdate() + '/' + currentdatetime.getfullyear(); refer these links. get difference between 2 dates in javascript? how number of days between 2 dates in javascript?

How to cut a matrix in Matlab? -

i transform matrix a matrix b without using cells (e.g. mat2cell ) in matlab, where a=[1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9; 10 11 12; 13 14 15; 16 17 18; 19 20 21; 22 23 24; 25 26 27]; b=[1 2 3 10 11 12 19 20 21; 4 5 6 13 14 15 22 23 24; 7 8 9 16 17 18 25 26 27]; all need reshape + permute magic - n = 3; %// cut after every n rows , looks no. of columns in b = reshape(permute(reshape(a,n,size(a,1)/n,[]),[1 3 2]),n,[])

bash - How to show the ID of the oldest running docker container? -

i using docker docker version 1.3.2, build 50b8feb . there new filters ps command, seems nothing provide need. want see oldest container running, kill it, wait , kill next oldest one. hope can come around bash magic not able see @ moment. thanks! update: sort not want since resorts before reverting order. oh yeah, captain obvious. needed use tail . docker ps -aq | tail -n 1

html - Placeholder text not showing in textarea when generated with javascript (tags on the same line) -

the placeholder text not showing in text area created javascript until click box. var input = document.createelement("textarea"); input.rows = "2"; input.placeholder = placeholder; i've read lot of same questions , because textarea tags on different lines however, tags generated javascript , when @ source tags on same line , there appears nothing between tags. htm generated is: <textarea placeholder="enter here" rows="2"></textarea>

mysql - How to access nested data in php -

i write sql procedure showing given access data in php using foreach loop ? array ( [0] => array ( [0] => array ( [vehical_profile_id] => 1 [chasis_number] => 123 [vehicle_engine_number] => a123 [rto_regis_number] => a123 [model_number] => a123 [vehicle_color] => red [vehicle_production_year_month] => june 2012 [owner_first_name] => avinash [owner_middle_name] => prakash [owner_last_name] => dhanke [owner_father_name] => prakash dhanke [owner_gender] => male [owner_blood_group] => ab+ [owner_dob] => 1990-07-07

MYSQL Foreign Key not Updating Table -

table 1: +--------------+-------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | field | type | null | key | default | | +--------------+-------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | id | int(11) | no | pri | null | auto_increment | | fono | int(11) | no | mul | | | | description | varchar(25) | no | | | | | amount | varchar(60) | no | | | | +--------------+-------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ table 2: +--------------+-------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | field | type | null | key | default | | +--------------+-------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | fono | int(11) | no | pri | null | auto_increment | | finvno | varchar(20) | no | | | | | description | varchar(25) | no | | |

matlab - Symbolic gradient differing wildly from analytic gradient -

i trying simulate network of mobile robots uses artificial potential fields movement planning shared destination xd. done generating series of m-files (one each robot) symbolic expression, seems best way in terms of computational time , accuracy. however, can't figure out going wrong gradient computation: analytical gradient being computed seems faulty, while numerical gradient calculated correctly (see image posted below). have written mwe listed below, exhibits problem. have checked file generating part of code, , return correct function file correct gradient. can't figure out why analytic , numerical gradient different. (a larger version of image below can found here ) % create symbolic variables xd = sym('xd',[1 2]); x = sym('x',[2 2]); % create potential function , gradient function both (x,y) pairs % in x i=1:size(x,1) phi = norm(x(i,:)-xd)/norm(x(1,:)-x(2,:)); % potential field function xvector = reshape(x.',1,size(x,1)*size(x,2)

networking - check if connected to wifi AccessPoint in python -

i using raspberry pi transmit udp packets on wifi local udp server.i need transmit data if raspi connected access point( internet connectivity not required). checking network connection describes how check internet connectivity, consume more time checking local connectivity. there way in python check whether device connected access point?

javascript - Clear textfield in a form after submit -

i have following form: <form onsubmit="chat.sendmsg(); return false;"> <label for="msg" style="float:left">message:</label> <input type="text" id="msg" name="msg" autofocus="true" placeholder="type meassage here" /> <input type="submit" /> </form> and javascript goes it: //for sending message this.sendmsg=function(){ msg=document.getelementbyid("msg").value; chatzone.innerhtml+='<div class="chatmsg"><b>'+name+'</b>: '+msg+'<br/></div>'; oldata='<div class="chatmsg"><b>'+name+'</b>: '+msg+'<br/></div>'; this.ajaxsent(); return false; }; all works, when submit form, text stays in form. how clear textfield after hit enter/click submit? ps dont use jquery use thi

azure - Create MobileServiceClient object without Application Key -

i need create mobileserviceclient object without application key.. how can it? var client = new mobileserviceclient("http://localhost:46742"); there overload of constructor url parameter.

IOS unable to insert data in to mysql database -

hello trying insert user data in myaql database using json. unable so, data not inserting , getting no error. following code. objective c code { nsstring *post =[nsstring stringwithformat:@"name=%@&email=%@&password= %@&phone=%@",, self.pass.text,,]; nsdata *data = [post datausingencoding:nsutf8stringencoding]; nsurl *url = [nsurl urlwithstring:@"http://my url"]; nsmutableurlrequest *request = [nsmutableurlrequest requestwithurl:url]; [request sethttpmethod:@"post"]; [request sethttpbody:data]; nsurlresponse *response; nserror *err; nsdata *responsedata = [nsurlconnection sendsynchronousrequest:request returningresponse:&response error:&err]; nslog(@"responsedata: %@", responsedata); } i using code insert textfields data mysql seems no error data not inserting in database. in advance. seems ios i

android - Eclipse Internal error makes it impossible to use git -

i banging head since yesterday on problem popped after switched branch on android git-managed project, error pop-up keeps showing making impossible use git eclipse's log shows : !entry 4 2 2014-11-27 12:05:44.993 !message internal error occurred during: "computing git status repository git". !stack 0 java.lang.nullpointerexception @ org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.workingtreeiterator.computehash( @ org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.workingtreeiterator.contentcheck( @ org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.workingtreeiterator.ismodified( @ org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.filter.indexdifffilter.include( @ org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.filter.andtreefilter$list.include( @ @ org.eclipse.jgit.lib.indexdiff.diff( @ org.eclipse.egit.core.inte

properties - AutoCAD Vault Connectivity c# -

had created project access properties of sheetset , autocad vault functionalites including checkin server, checkout server , all. developed using c# based on autocad 2012 .dll files. , tested using autodesk vault 2012 server. worked fine, same code, i.e same .exe file not working autodesk vault 2015 server. log in server not happening. but normal accessing of sheetset properties working good, without problem. now, keepon saying credentials problems., i'm pretty sure it's not actual problem. my question is: 1. "is code differs based on autocad version..?". 2. "if is, there possibility write code once, , access kinds of versions..?". please needful, appreciateable., thanks. vault 2012 clients not compatible vault 2015 server ( ). you have change references, update portions of code, update .net framework version (4.5 vault 2015) , recompile.

c++ - Building marisa-trie shared library with msys/mingw64 -

trying build marisa-trie library in msys using mingw64. ./configure --prefix=/e/sdk/env-gcc-4.8-64bit --enable-sse2 --enable-sse3 --enable-ssse3 --enable-sse4 --enable-sse4.1 --enable-sse4.2 make that produces static library, no shared. adding "--enable-shared=yes" not change anything. adding "--enable-static=no" produces makefile nothing. what wrong distribution , how fix it? edit: this seems fix it . found sheer luck. this seems fix it.

Javascript character encoding in Internet explorer -

i have script compares array of strings in hebrew hebrew text on website. script works correctly in browsers except versions of internet explorer. way have to debug log browser user agent when try reproduce issue in same ie version, seems work correctly on local machine. the relevant part of script var cities = ['אילת','ים המלח','תל אביב','באר שבע','חיפה','נתניה']; if (pids.length) { (var = 0; < cities.length; i++) { if (pids[0].search(cities[i]) > -1){ = cities[i]; break; } } //for debugging if ( =='') log += navigator.useragent; } i know pids has right value because other information script collects handled correctly. problem in string search. here's sample of user agents logged: mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 6.1; trident/7.0; slcc2; .net clr 2.0.50727; .net clr 3.5.30729; .net clr 3.0.30729; media center pc 6.0; .net4.0c; .net4.

html - height: auto doesn't work for parent div - no overflow: auto -

my div projects needs have automatic height because project classes later added dynamically. problem height: auto attribute doesn't work. html: <div id="content"> <div id="projects"> <div id="proj1" class="project col-md-4"></div> <div id="proj2" class="project col-md-4"></div> <div id="proj3" class="project col-md-4"></div> </div> <div id="lanes"> <div id="lane1" class="lane"> </div> </div> </div> css: #projects { background-color: pink; height: auto; padding: 10px; } .project { background-color: yellow; height: 100px; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; } .lane { height: 155px; background-color: green; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; } i can not use overflow:

ios - Swift Singleton Init Called Twice in XCTest -

with swift, singleton initializer called twice when running xctest unit tests. no problems objective-c, though, init() method called once, expected. here's how build 2 test projects: objective-c singleton class create empty objective-c project tests. add following bare-bones singleton: #import "singleton.h" @implementation singleton + (singleton *)sharedinstance { static singleton *sharedinstance = nil; static dispatch_once_t oncetoken; dispatch_once(&oncetoken, ^{ sharedinstance = [[singleton alloc] init]; // other initialisation stuff here }); return sharedinstance; } - (instancetype)init { self = [super init]; if (self) { nslog(@"%@", self); } return self; } @end appdelegate in application delegate add call singleton this: - (bool)application:(uiapplication *)application didfinishlaunchingwithoptions:(nsdictionary *)launchoptions { // override point customization aft

java - 500 Internal Server Error in RESTfull -

when try access resource error message 500 internal server error i new web services , trying realize issue rest service @path("travelgood1") public class travelgood { private lameduck lameduckclient; private niceview niceviewclient; private simpledateformat parsersdf; private hashmap<string, list<itinerary>> useritineraries; private int lastitineraryid; public travelgood() { lameduck_service service = new lameduck_service(); lameduckclient = service.getlameduck(); niceview_service niceviewservice = new niceview_service(); niceviewclient = niceviewservice.getniceview(); parsersdf = new simpledateformat("yyyy-mm-dd"); useritineraries = new hashmap<string, list<itinerary>>(); } @post @path("{uid}/itineraries") @produces(mediatype.application_json) public int createitinerary(@pathparam("uid") string userid) { if (!useritineraries.containskey(userid)) { useritineraries.put(us

MS SQL Server - How to create a view from a CTE? -

with cte ( select '2014-03-10 08:00:00' dates union select '2014-05-11 14:00:00' ) select * cte join sometable on 1=1 option (maxrecursion 0) the here above sql outputing charm hours between 2 dates , field retrieved join table: 2014-03-10 02:00:00 2014-03-10 02:00:00 b 2014-03-10 03:00:00 2014-03-10 03:00:00 b ... 2014-05-11 13:00:00 2014-05-11 13:00:00 b 2014-05-11 14:00:00 2014-05-11 14:00:00 b i create view not manage it. tried several things without success. following returning : incorrect syntax near keyword 'option'. create view viewname cte ( select '2014-03-10 08:00:00' dates union select '2014-05-11 14:00:00' ) select * cte join sometable on 1=1 option (maxrecursion 0) you cannot specify maxrecursion option inside view. from : in order make use of maxrecursion option

linux - What is the OS X equivalent of "useradd -r -d /opt/otrs/ -c 'OTRS user' otrs" and "usermod -G nogroup otrs www-data" -

i trying install otrs on mac. wondering os x equivalent of following commands? useradd -r -d /opt/otrs/ -c 'otrs user' otrs usermod -g nogroup otrs www-data the following link might helpful: and script gives further information , examples: according that, following commands should it: dscl . create /users/otrs dscl . create /users/otrs realname "otrs user" dscl . create /users/otrs nfshomedirectory /opt/otrs dseditgroup -o edit -t user -a otrs nogroup dseditgroup -o edit -t user -a otrs otrs dseditgroup -o edit -t user -a otrs www-data

eclipse - I am trying to add a progress bar on my android app to show as the application loads data, using Ecplise, -

i ideally progress bar run pop-up dialogue box - loading bar... user clicks on icon run app... once app loads disappears. i have been researching ways of doing struggling find working solution... great you'll want use android progressbar , have 2 choices: <progressbar style="@android:attr/progressbarstylelarge" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:indeterminate="true" /> this provide spinner loop forever. show , hide required. the alternative large in scope so. principle however, following: size of data download current speed of client data transfer to calculate total time remaining download. use handler post periodic updates traditional linear progressbar , give progress bar tracks download. you've seen ms have ever done, calculation tricky connection speeds vary constantly. hope helps.

html - Wrapping multiple paragraphs around images -

i'm trying write html wrap text around images. if @ this page , you'll see first paragraph wraps around image, whilst bottom 1 not. i not have code first one, done using weebly drag-and-drop feature. can help? edit: had used float: left in code. spent hours looking on fact did this image { float: left; } instead of this img { float: left; } i hate myself. you can achieve doing this: you should start giving images class names, example: give left ones class="left_img" , right ones class="right_img" . if want image left of text use: img.left_img { float: left; } do want image on right use this: img.right_img { float: right; } if not want text hit image add margins image this: img { float: left; margin: 10px 10px 10px 0px; }

eclipse - Navigiation Bar Color - Android 5.0 Lollipop -

can please tell me simple instructions on how can make navigation bar color in lollipop transparent? thank help! in theme add following line: <item name="android:windowtranslucentnavigation">true</item>

mysql - Get a value going through several tables in entity framework? -

i have situation trying value stored in 1 table, have go through several other tables on same database correct result. table 1 has pk id can query, pk give me new fk in table 2, give me key table 3 , table 3 give me key table 4 has value stored against pk in table 1. if made sense? can not tables or database, need find way select value in table 4 primary key got in table 1. any ideas? edit 1 : i try explain better. have filepath located in table 4. correct filepath need first find project id in table 1. same project id fk in table 2. in table 2 need find id (let's call " customer id ") using project id fk, customer id fk in table 3. in table 3 need find purchase id using customer id fk, purchase id fk in table 4. correct fk ( purchase id ) in table 4, able correct filepath . filepath coresponds project id table 1. i using (entity framework) , sql database. thinking use linq, confused how it. join several tables or try filepath way? did make

php - css disapears when trying to create clean url's -

i'm trying implement clean url's website, i've runned problem. when i'm trying load default url feks:, works should, when try changing this:, loads except images , css. just testing html: <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title></title> <link href="css.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> </head> <body> <p>just example text</p> </body> </html> my htaccess file: <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c> rewriteengine on rewritecond %{request_filename} !-f rewritecond %{request_filename} !-d rewriterule ^ index.php [l] </ifmodule> you must use absolute links: <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> or add in <head> : <base href=""> or <b

c# - In Rx, how do I ensure no notifications are lost due to exceptions -

i want make sure rx notifications not lost when they're processed consumer's do delegate. have producer generates messages need process, , retry processing if fails. desired marble diagram: producer 1 2 3 4 5 consumer 1 x 2 3 x x 4 5 downstream 1 2 3 4 5 the standard retry won't here since it'll resubscribe producer after error. lose notification failed processing , continue next notification. retry marble diagram: producer 1 2 3 4 5 consumer 1 x 3 x 5 so far, have code, doesn't seem right me: static void retrywithbacklog() { var data = enumerable.range(1, 100).toobservable(); var backlog = new subject<long>(); backlog .merge(data) .retry() .do(l => { try { processnotification(l); } catch (exception) { backlog.onnext(l); } }) .subscribe(); console.readkey(); } ( full code sample ) background the do operation perform network request b

Serialize c# object in XML using variable content as attribute name -

i have following c# object: class modification { public string name; public string value; } i want use serializer serialize object following way: <name>value</name> example: let's set variables to name = "autoroute" value = 53 i want xml like: <test> <autoroute>53</autoroute> </test> i saw somewhere feature not supported serializer, there way overload serializer allow kind of behavior ? changing xml structure not option since convention. you can use ixmlserializable this, though doesn't give control on root element name - have set in serializer (which may present other challenges when come read part of larger xml structure...). public class modification : ixmlserializable { public string name; public string value; public system.xml.schema.xmlschema getschema() { return null; } public void readxml(system.xml.xmlreader reader) { reader.readst