c# - Custom control rendering weird in Tapcontrol -

here odd 1 , bit long describe bear me on one.

i have control made c# 4 client profile called toggleswitch (tsw). toggleswitch design act metro switch, , splendidly ... until added tap control/tap page :

  • the rendering acts weird not drawing background , on/off label don’t show up. affects other controls well, whole form won't draw.

  • also both vs 2010 , 2013 design editors properties fields freeze can't access other controls

  • and if left in normal program won't build ... crashed vs..

but, if change tap control normal either flatbutton or button stops , runs smoothly , fine, started wondering why don't render in normal

so here have tried

  • the tsw extends buttonbase clickability. changed control onpaint gets called in unlimited loop don’t help, click don’t work less important right

  • i extended of button, no there still weird

  • override every single method both button , buttonbase see if helped still nothing.

  • after looking @ forms designer found property gets changed usevisualstylebackcolor when false works when true don't, made override forces false, still doesn't work :/

  • i tried remove partial keyword.

  • i spend half day reading defriend methods of both tap , button controls

  • even found custom control test extended of button worked fine, there no reason because different see if statement in onpaint rendering.

.... nothing works ....

here togglewitch in entirety:

public partial class toggleswith : buttonbase {         object _lock = new object();         private color _offcolor = systemcolors.controldarkdark;         private color _oncolor = color.limegreen;         private bool _colortext = false;         // private bool _beendrawn = false;         private bool _checked = false;          [browsable(false)]         public override string text { { return null; } }         [browsable(false)]         public override bool autosize{get{return false;}}         [browsable(false)]         public override contentalignment textalign { { return contentalignment.middleleft; } }         [category("appearance")]         public virtual color offcolor { { return _offcolor; } set { _offcolor = value; invalidate(); } }         [category("appearance")]         public virtual color oncolor { { return _oncolor; } set { _oncolor = value; invalidate(); } }         [category("appearance")]         public virtual bool colortext { { return _colortext; } set { _colortext = value; invalidate(); } }         [category("appearance")]         public virtual bool checked { { return _checked; } set { _checked = value; invalidate(); } }         new public bool usevisualstylebackcolor { { return false; } set{} }          protected override size defaultsize { { return new size(80, 18); } }         protected override size defaultminimumsize { { return new size(40, 13); } }          public event eventhandler togglechanged;          public toggleswith()         {             this.size = new size(80, 18);             initializecomponent();             this.click += toggleswith_click;         }          void toggleswith_click(object sender, eventargs e)         {             lock (_lock)             {                 if (_checked) _checked = false;                 else _checked = true;             }             ontogglechanged();                     }          private void ontogglechanged()         {             if (togglechanged != null)             {                 eventargs ea = new eventargs();                 togglechanged(this, ea);             }         }          protected override void onpaint(painteventargs e)         {             this.controls.clear();             int toggleblocsize=(int)this.size.width/8;             int indent = 23;             int labelx = 2;             // declare , instantiate new pen.             solidbrush offpen = new solidbrush(this.offcolor);             solidbrush onpen = new solidbrush(this.oncolor);             solidbrush backgroundpen = new solidbrush(this.backcolor);             solidbrush blackpen = new solidbrush(systemcolors.controltext);             pen controldarkpen = new pen(systemcolors.controldark);             pen controlpen = new pen(systemcolors.control);             e.graphics.fillrectangle(backgroundpen,0, 0, this.size.width,this.size.height);             e.graphics.drawrectangle(controldarkpen, indent, -0, this.size.width - (indent+1), this.size.height-1);             label l = new label();             l.font = this.font;             l.size = new size((indent-labelx),this.size.height);              // if(this.size.height <13)l.location= new point(labelx,-1);             //  else l.location = new point(labelx, 0);              l.textalign = textalign;             l.forecolor = this.forecolor;              if (this._checked)             {                 //ligth                 e.graphics.fillrectangle(onpen, (indent + 2), 2, this.size.width - (indent + 4), this.size.height - 4);                 //toggle                 e.graphics.drawrectangle(controlpen, this.size.width - (toggleblocsize+1), -0, this.size.width - (indent + 1), this.size.height - 1);                 e.graphics.fillrectangle(blackpen, this.size.width - (toggleblocsize), -1, this.size.width, this.size.height + 1);                 if (colortext) l.forecolor = oncolor;                 l.text = "on";             }             else             {                 //ligth                 e.graphics.fillrectangle(offpen, (indent + 2), 2, this.size.width - (indent + 4), this.size.height - 4);                 //toggle                 e.graphics.drawrectangle(controlpen, indent , -0, (toggleblocsize + 1), this.size.height - 1);                 e.graphics.fillrectangle(blackpen, (indent+1) , -1,(toggleblocsize), this.size.height + 1);                 if (colortext) l.forecolor = this.forecolor;                 l.text = "off";             }             this.controls.add(l);         }          public override size getpreferredsize(size proposedsize)         {             return new size(80, 18);         }     } 

it not can't live flat tapcontrol why doesn't work bugs me ...

any appreciated :)

lastly visual documentation of problems:

here how should work:

here how should work

this tap on normal

this tap on normal.

got fixed work, turns out there few things wrong.

first of base class wrong, should control

   public class toggleswith : control 

and on paint event changed

    protected override void onpaint(painteventargs e)     {         //this.controls.clear();         int toggleblocsize = (int)this.size.width / 6;         int indent = 23;         int labelx = 2;         // declare , instantiate new pen.         solidbrush offpen = new solidbrush(this.offcolor);         solidbrush onpen = new solidbrush(this.oncolor);         rectangle texttangle = new rectangle(new point(labelx, 0), new size(indent - labelx, this.size.height));           solidbrush backgroundbrush = new solidbrush(this.parent.backcolor);         solidbrush togglebrush = new solidbrush(systemcolors.controltext);         solidbrush textbrush = new solidbrush(systemcolors.controltext);         pen controldarkpen = new pen(systemcolors.controldark);         pen controlpen = new pen(systemcolors.control);         e.graphics.fillrectangle(backgroundbrush, 0, 0, this.size.width, this.size.height);         e.graphics.fillrectangle(new solidbrush(backcolor), indent, 0, this.size.width - indent, this.size.height);         e.graphics.drawrectangle(controldarkpen, indent, -0, this.size.width - (indent + 1), this.size.height - 1);         if (!this.enabled)         {             offpen = new solidbrush(systemcolors.control);             onpen = new solidbrush(systemcolors.control);             togglebrush = new solidbrush(systemcolors.controldark);             textbrush = new solidbrush(systemcolors.control);         }         if (this._checked)         {             //ligth             e.graphics.fillrectangle(onpen, (indent + 2), 2, this.size.width - (indent + 4), this.size.height - 4);             //toggle             e.graphics.drawrectangle(controlpen, this.size.width - (toggleblocsize + 1), -0, this.size.width - (indent + 1), this.size.height - 1);             e.graphics.fillrectangle(togglebrush, this.size.width - (toggleblocsize), -1, this.size.width, this.size.height + 1);             if (colortext && this.enabled) textbrush = new solidbrush(oncolor);//_label.forecolor = oncolor;             // _label.text = "on";             // draw string screen.             textrenderer.drawtext(e.graphics, ontext, this.font, texttangle, textbrush.color, this.parent.backcolor,                                 textformatflags.horizontalcenter |                                 textformatflags.verticalcenter |                                 textformatflags.glyphoverhangpadding);         }         else         {             //ligth             e.graphics.fillrectangle(offpen, (indent + 2), 2, this.size.width - (indent + 4), this.size.height - 4);             //toggle             e.graphics.drawrectangle(controlpen, indent, -0, (toggleblocsize + 1), this.size.height - 1);             e.graphics.fillrectangle(togglebrush, (indent + 1), -1, (toggleblocsize), this.size.height + 1);             if (colortext && this.enabled) textbrush = new solidbrush(systemcolors.controltext);             // draw string screen.             textrenderer.drawtext(e.graphics, offtext, this.font, texttangle, textbrush.color, this.parent.backcolor,                             textformatflags.horizontalcenter |                             textformatflags.verticalcenter |                             textformatflags.glyphoverhangpadding);         } 

that got graphics result looking for.


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