java - Reloading android view in a fragment -

i'm using android eclipse while working on project user can save , upload notes images.

i have fragment holds textview , thumbnail images. user can add additional images using camera , can remove images viewing(clicking) image (in separate activity) , deleting it.

my problem refreshing layout of fragment reflect deleted image. following function being called deal this:

public viewgroup removenoteimagefromview(string location) {     list<string> imagelinks = new arraylist<string>();      (string string : imagelocations) {         if (string.equalsignorecase(location)) {             break;                       }         imagelinks.add(string);     }      //remove imageviews linear layout     linearlayout linear = (linearlayout) rootview.findviewbyid(;     if (linear.getchildcount() != 0) {         linear.removeallviewsinlayout();         linear.refreshdrawablestate();         linear.postinvalidate();      }      imagelocations.addall(imagelinks);     //add them new array     string root = environment.getexternalstoragedirectory().tostring();      (string string : imagelinks) {         bitmap mybitmap = bitmapfactory.decodefile((new file(root +"/saved_images/"+string)).getabsolutepath());         addimage(mybitmap);     }     return linear; } 

all code hide thumbnails called linear.removeallviewsinlayout(). following 2 line thought reload layout on screen appear have no effect whatsoever.

please note have tried linear.invalidate() postinvalidate , still nothing.

the correct image deleted device dealt elsewhere when go fragment reselecting in menu displayed correctly.

replace this:

linear.refreshdrawablestate(); linear.postinvalidate(); 

with this:



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