ios - Add TableView scroll gesture to View -

basically have uitableview uiview in each row. problem uiview stealing scrolling gesture uitableview resulting in tableview doesn't scroll. how apply scroll gesture uitableview uiview?

assuming didn't already, add customtableviewcell class project , create xib along (add uiview subclass created xib , property of custom cell class). after add code in cellforrowatindexpath

nsarray *toplevelobjects; static nsstring *cellidentifier = @"cell"; customtableviewcell *cell = (customtableviewcell *) [tableview dequeuereusablecellwithidentifier:cellidentifier];  if (!cell) {     toplevelobjects = [[nsbundle mainbundle] loadnibnamed:@"customtableviewcell" owner:nil options:nil];     (id currentobject in toplevelobjects)     {         if ([currentobject iskindofclass:[customtableviewcell class]])             cell = (customtableviewcell *) currentobject;     } } cell.yourview = ...; 

hope helps


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