javascript - Reactjs passing methods as props to child -

is there way pass methods of current class child class props

as example;

var signupmodal = react.createclass({ mixins: [checkmixin], getinitialstate: function(){   return {       'wizardstate': 0   } }, setwizardstate: function(state){     var = this;     switch (state){         case 0:            that.setstate({'wizardstate': 0});            break;         case 1:             that.setstate({'wizardstate': 1});             break;         case 2:             that.setstate({'wizardstate': 2});             break;         case 3:             that.setstate({'wizardstate': 3});             break;         case 4:             that.setstate({'wizardstate': 4});             break;     } }, render: function(){     var temp;     switch (this.state.wizardstate){         case 0:            temp = (<signupsetup setwizardstate={this.setwizardstate}/>);             break;         case 1:             temp = (<emailsetup />);             break;         case 2:             temp = (<passwordsetup />);             break;         case 3:             temp =  (<usernamesetup />);             break;         case 4:             temp = (<categoriessetup />);             break;     }     return (<modal {...this.props} title="login" animation={false}>             <div classname="modal-body">                 <div>                 {temp}                 </div>             </div>         </modal>)   var signupsetup = react.createclass({     render: function(){         return (<button onclick={this.props.setwizardstate(1)}></button>)     } }); 

i want pass setwizardstate method of signupmodal child signupsetup prop, error

uncaught error: invariant violation: replacestate(...): cannot update during existing state transition (such withinrender). render methods should pure function of props , state.react.js:17122

the problems here:

<button onclick={this.props.setwizardstate(1)}></button> 

first typo (onclick, capital c). main problem you're calling setwizardstate, , onclick takes function. need partially apply it.

onclick={this.props.setwizardstate.bind(null, 1)} 


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