php - Oxwall - Newsfeed limit on wall -

how can increase newsfeed limit on oxwall wall. default allows 40 only. can customize code make 100,150??

i know file need modify : ow_plugins/newsfeed/components/feed_widget.php

but not know code need modify.

you can following :

go : public_html/ow_plugins/newsfeed/components/feed_widget.php

line 100:

'optionlist' => array(2 => '2', 3 => '3', 4 => '4', 5 => '5', 6 => '6', 7 => '7', 8 => '8', 9 =>  '9', 10 => '10', 11 => '11', 12 => '12', 13 => '13', 14 => '14', 15 => '15', 16 => '16', 17 => '17', 18  => '18', 19 => '19', 20 => '20', 25 => '25', '30' => 30, '40' => 40), 

add array till need 100,150.


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