segmentation fault. ubuntu version dependent -

#include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <signal.h>  #define max_cmd_arg 10 #define max_cmd_grp 10  const char *prompt = "myshell> "; char* cmdgrps[max_cmd_grp]; char* cmdvector[max_cmd_arg]; char cmdline[bufsiz];  enum stat{     none,     fg,     bg,  };  int status=none; int pid=0;  void sigint_handler(int sign){     fputs("\n",stdout);  }  void fatal(char *str) {     perror(str);     exit(1); }  int makelist(char *s, const char *delimiters, char** list, int max_list) {     if((s == null) || (delimiters == null)) return -1;      char *snew = s + strspn(s, delimiters); /* delimitersė„¼ skip */     if((list[0] = strtok(snew, delimiters)) == null) return 0;      int numtokens = 1;      while(1)     {         if((list[numtokens] = strtok(null, delimiters)) == null) break;         if(numtokens == (max_list - 1)) return -1;         numtokens++;     }      return numtokens; }     void execute_cmdgrp(char *cmdgrp) {     int count = makelist(cmdgrp, " \t", cmdvector, max_cmd_arg);      int size = strlen(cmdvector[count-1]);     if(size > 0 && cmdvector[count-1][size-1] == '&')     {         status=bg;          cmdvector[count-1][size-1] = '\0';         if(strlen(cmdvector[count-1]) == 0) cmdvector[count-1] = null;      }else{         status=fg;     }      //printf(cmdvector[0]);      switch(pid=fork())     {         case -1:             fatal("fork error");             break;          case 0: // child process              execvp(cmdvector[0], cmdvector);             fatal("exec error");             break;          default:             break;      }      }  void do_if_exit_cmd(const char* cmdgrp) {     char* s = strdup(cmdgrp);     makelist(s, " \t", cmdvector, max_cmd_arg);      if(strncasecmp(cmdvector[0], "exit", 4) == 0)     {         free(s);         exit(0);     }      free(s); }   int do_if_cd_cmd(const char* cmdgrp) {     char* s = strdup(cmdgrp);     makelist(s, " \t", cmdvector, max_cmd_arg);      if(strncmp(cmdvector[0], "cd", 2) == 0)     {         chdir(cmdvector[1]);         free(s);         return 1;     }      free(s);     return 0; }   void execute_cmdline(char* cmdline) {     int count = makelist(cmdline, ";", cmdgrps, max_cmd_grp);      if(count==0)         pid=0;      for(int = 0; < count; ++i)     {          do_if_exit_cmd(cmdgrps[i]);          if(do_if_cd_cmd(cmdgrps[i])) continue;          execute_cmdgrp(cmdgrps[i]);      } }  int main(int argc, char**argv) {     struct sigaction act;     act.sa_handler = sigint_handler;     sigaction(sigint, &act, null);     sigaction(sigquit, &act, null);       while(1)     {           fputs(prompt, stdout);         cmdline[0]=0;         fgets(cmdline, bufsiz, stdin);         cmdline[strlen(cmdline) - 1] = '\0';         execute_cmdline(cmdline);          if(status==fg && pid){             int wid;             int status;             while((wid=wait(&status))!=pid && wid!=-1);         }     } } 

above code simple concept shell shell ignore sigint(^c) , sigquit(^) compile g++ {filename}

the problem is working in ubuntu 14.04 64bit , 12.04 64bit in ubuntu 12.04 32 bit when press ^c, raises segmentation fault...

if change &status => null in line 'while((wid=wait(&status))!=pid && wid!=-1);' works without error

what's wrong in code? why dose error appear in ubuntu version while others not ..

there things not permitted in signal handlers, 1 of them call functions not async-signal-safe.

one of under posix systems in fputs() little snippet:

void sigint_handler(int sign){     fputs("\n",stdout);  } 

is not idea.

i tend use signal handlers setting variables can picked , actioned main thread of control, things like:

int finished = 0; void sigint_handler(int sign){     finished = 1;  } 

where main program has loop like:

while (!finished)     dosomework(); 


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