backbone.js - MarionetteJS - Not able to render the data using toJSON function -

i using handlebarsjs plugin render templates. getting error while call rendering function.

when console this.model.tojson(), getting correct datas, console "homeedittemp" getting templates too..

but when pass data template getting error : uncaught typeerror: undefined not function

here code :

    define([         'jquery',         'underscore',         'backbone',         'marionette',         'hbs!scripts/templates/home/homeedittemp'],         function ($,_,backbone, marionette, homeedittemp) {             "use strict";             window.socialapp = window.socialapp || {};              socialapp.homeview = backbone.marionette.itemview.extend({                  initialize : function (model) {                     this.model = model;                 },                  render : function () { console.log(this.model.tojson()) // works fine console.log(homeedittemp) // works fine.                     this.$el.html(homeedittemp(this.model.tojson())); // throws error..                 }              });              return socialapp.homeview;     }); 

here handlebars template :

<form>      <div class="control-group">          <label for="firstname" class="control-label"> first name:</label>          <input id="firstname" name="firstname" type="text" value="{{firstname}}"/>      </div>      <div class="control-group">          <label for="lastname" class="control-label"> last name:</label>          <input id="lastname" name="lastname" type="text" value="{{lastname}}"/>      </div>      <div class="control-group">          <label for="email" class="control-label">phone number:</label>          <input id="email" name="email" type="text" value="{{email}}"/>      </div>      <button class="btn js-submit">save</button> </form> 

thanks in advance!

update :

when manually assign value, works fine this:

render : function (model) {                 var obj = {                     "firstname" : "testfirstname ",                     "lastname" : " test lastname"                 }                 this.$el.html(homeedittemp(obj));             } 

what issue?

when console model show this:

object {model: s}model: s_changing: false_events: object_pending: false_previousattributes: objectattributes: objectchanged: objectcid: "c6"__proto__: n__proto__: object 

at first need compile template

var tpl = function () {      return handlebars.compile(homeedittemp); } 

then can use this



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