ios - map geocode API gives Null response -

i'm using below code getting geocode response of particular address,

    nsstring *address = @"doha,qatar";     nslog(@"address : %@",address);     nsstring *esc_addr = [address stringbyaddingpercentescapesusingencoding: nsutf8stringencoding];     nsstring *req = [nsstring stringwithformat: @"", esc_addr];      nsurl *url=[nsurl urlwithstring:req];     nslog(@"url : %@",url);     nsdata *data=[nsdata datawithcontentsofurl:url];     nslog(@"data : %@",data);     nserror *error=nil;     id response=[nsjsonserialization jsonobjectwithdata:data options:                  nsjsonreadingmutablecontainers error:&error];      nslog(@"the json object: %@ or error is: %@", response, error); 

but response null.

the response,

2014-11-27 16:35:48.961 myproj[15279:254055] address : doha,qatar 2014-11-27 16:35:48.961 myproj[15279:254055] url :,qatar&sensor=false 2014-11-27 16:35:49.005 myproj[15279:254055] data : (null) 2014-11-27 16:35:49.008 myproj[15279:254055] *** terminating app due uncaught exception 'nsinvalidargumentexception', reason: 'data parameter nil' 

but when open url in brows gives output as,

{    "results" : [       {          "address_components" : [             {                "long_name" : "doha",                "short_name" : "doha",                "types" : [ "locality", "political" ]             },             {                "long_name" : "doha",                "short_name" : "doha",                "types" : [ "administrative_area_level_1", "political" ]             },             {                "long_name" : "qatar",                "short_name" : "qa",                "types" : [ "country", "political" ]             }          ],          "formatted_address" : "doha, qatar",          "geometry" : {             "bounds" : {                "northeast" : {                   "lat" : 25.4125783,                   "lng" : 51.6281212                },                "southwest" : {                   "lat" : 25.1954283,                   "lng" : 51.4307964                }             },             "location" : {                "lat" : 25.286667,                "lng" : 51.533333             },             "location_type" : "approximate",             "viewport" : {                "northeast" : {                   "lat" : 25.4125783,                   "lng" : 51.6281212                },                "southwest" : {                   "lat" : 25.1954283,                   "lng" : 51.4307964                }             }          },          "types" : [ "locality", "political" ]       }    ],    "status" : "ok" } 

what reason null response,

thanks suggestion.

i tested code , works fine.

data parameter not contains info of json.

so,maybe have check these

  1. the version of google maps sdk(i use newest)
  2. the initialization of gms services
  3. your api key google maps.


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