wordpress - Woocommerce - can't add to cart as a guest using Quick Order One Page Shop? -

using plugin @ http://products.solvercircle.com/woocommerce-one-page-quick-shop/quick-shop/

it seems if i'm logged in regular user in admin, can add items cart fine. if add cart guest ajax request , returns '1' item never added cart.

does know why might so? other 2 plugins have on site deactivated , can still reproduce this, believe bug in plugin.

edit: confirmed 'guests can checkout' settings box applied, doesn't seem it.

edit #2: here's add cart fn:

  function wqo_add_prod(pid,vid){     var qty= jquery('#product_qty_'+vid).val();     if(qty==0){       jquery('#wqo_alert_info').text('out of stock');       jquery('#wqo_alert_info').show()       settimeout(function(){jquery('#wqo_alert_info').hide()}, 1500);             return false;     }     if(vid==0){       qty= jquery('#product_qty_'+pid).val();     }      var ajax_url = 'http://domain.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php';         jquery.ajax({           type: "post",           url:ajax_url,               data : {                   'action':          'wqo_addtocart',                   'wqo_prod_id':     pid,                   'wqo_prod_var_id': vid,                   'wqo_prod_qty':    qty           },           success: function(response){                         if(response==1){               jquery('#wqo_alert_info').text('added cart');             }else{               jquery('#wqo_alert_info').text(response);             }              jquery.ajax({               type: "post",               url:ajax_url,               data : {'action': 'wqo_cart_amount'},               success: function(data){                              jquery('#wqo_cart_price').html(data);               }             });               jquery('#wqo_alert_info').show()              settimeout(function(){jquery('#wqo_alert_info').hide()}, 2000);                     }         });   } 

edit #3: source php callback

function wqo_addtocart() {   global $woocommerce;   $vid=$_post['wqo_prod_var_id'];   $pid=$_post['wqo_prod_id'];   $vid=$_post['wqo_prod_var_id'];   $pqty=$_post['wqo_prod_qty'];    if($vid==0){     $product = wc_product_factory::get_product($pid);       }else{     $product = wc_product_factory::get_product($vid);       }   $stock=$product->get_stock_quantity();   $availability = $product->get_availability();    if($availability['class']=='out-of-stock'){     echo 'out of stock';     exit;   }    if($stock!=''){         foreach($woocommerce->cart->cart_contents $cart_item_key => $values ) {         $c_item_id='';         $c_stock='';         if($values['variation_id']!=''){           $c_item_id=$values['variation_id'];         }else{           $c_item_id=$values['product_id'];         }         $c_stock=$values['quantity']+$pqty;          if($vid==0 && $pid==$c_item_id && $c_stock>$stock){           $product = wc_product_factory::get_product($pid);           echo 'you have cross stock limit';           exit;         }else if($vid==$c_item_id && $c_stock>$stock){           $product = wc_product_factory::get_product($vid);           echo 'you have cross stock limit';           exit;         }                }       }    if($vid==0){     $z=$woocommerce->cart->add_to_cart($pid,$pqty,null, null, null );   }else{         $z=$woocommerce->cart->add_to_cart($pid, $pqty, $vid, $product->get_variation_attributes(),null);   }   echo '1';    exit; } 

registers @ bottom of woo-quick-order/includes/wqo-view.php ( above fns stolen )

675 add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_wqo_addtocart','wqo_addtocart' ); 676 add_action( 'wp_ajax_wqo_addtocart', 'wqo_addtocart' ); 

edit #4: think it's session issue. in first ajax call calls wqo_addtocart if do:


it returns array , main key hash $z returns.

on second ajax request however, lost:

 59 function wqo_cart_amount(){  60   global $woocommerce;  61   var_dump($woocommerce->cart->cart_contents);  62   echo $woocommerce->cart->get_cart_total();  63   exit;  64 } 

this returns empty array. in between first , second ajax requests gets lost.

there answer :),

// hook after add cart add_action( 'woocommerce_add_to_cart' , 'repair_woocommerce_2_2_8_session_add_to_cart');  function repair_woocommerce_2_2_8_session_add_to_cart( ){     if ( defined( 'doing_ajax' ) ) {         wc_setcookie( 'woocommerce_items_in_cart', 1 );         wc_setcookie( 'woocommerce_cart_hash', md5( json_encode( wc()->cart->get_cart() ) ) );         do_action( 'woocommerce_set_cart_cookies', true );     } } 

woocommerce have made change on add_to_cart function problem here : https://github.com/woothemes/woocommerce/blob/master/includes/class-wc-cart.php#l978

the right code should :

if ( did_action( 'wp' ) || defined( 'doing_ajax' ) ) {     $this->set_cart_cookies( sizeof( $this->cart_contents ) > 0 ); } 


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