android - What is the most efficient way to check if two imageviews intersect? -

i working on android app have 1 fixed imageview in middle of screen , other imageviews moving towards it. implement method notify me 1 of moving images touches middle one. using right now:

public void checkloss() {     if(speklist.size() > 0) {         for(spek spek : speklist) {             final int[] position = new int[2];              spek.getlocationinwindow(position);             final rect rect1 = new rect(position[0], position[1], position[0] + spek.getwidth(),       position[1] + spek.getheight());              middle.getlocationinwindow(position);             final rect rect2 = new rect(position[0], position[1],position[0] + middle.getwidth(), position[1] + middle.getheight());              if(rect.intersects(rect1, rect2)) {                 if (health == 1) {                     lost = true;                     gameover();                     break;                 } else {                     health--;                     setmiddleimage(health);                     removespek(spek);                     break;                 }             }         }     } } 

this works realized it's not accurate. more not moving images reach way middle of fixed 1 before notification, whereas happen borders touch. there sort of library offers this? , if there is, how easy implement it?

thanks support :)


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