Android Universal Image Loader store downloaded progress listview -

i using universal image loader in listview. problem following usecase:

when scroll on listview,it works perfectly, , load images. lets suppose, have 2 items on screen in listview, in download progress. can see it's progress imageloadingprogresslistener(), scroll anywhere , come same images, progress starts again, downloaded data lost!! there way store downloaded progress can resume process later when come image in listview.

edit: can cache images once downloaded, , able use cached image, problem time when thay being downloaded , scroll , come back.

my displayimageoptions:

options =  new displayimageoptions.builder()                     .displayer(new roundedbitmapdisplayer(100))                     .cacheinmemory(true)                     .cacheondisk(true)                     .considerexifparams(true)                     .bitmapconfig(bitmap.config.rgb_565)                     .build(); 

my imageloaderconfiguration:

new imageloaderconfiguration.builder(context)                 .threadpriority(thread.norm_priority - 2)                 .denycacheimagemultiplesizesinmemory()                 .diskcachefilenamegenerator(new md5filenamegenerator())                 .diskcachesize(50 * 1024 * 1024) // 50 mb                 .tasksprocessingorder(queueprocessingtype.lifo)                 .writedebuglogs() // remove release app                 .build(); 

my getview():

 @override     public view getview(int position, view convertview, viewgroup parent) {          viewholder holder;          if(convertview == null){              convertview = inflater.inflate(r.layout.card, parent,false);              holder = new viewholder();              holder.ivcontent = (imageview) convertview.findviewbyid(;              convertview.settag(holder);         }         else{             holder = (viewholder) convertview.gettag();         }         try {             imageloader.getinstance().displayimage(url, holder.ivcontent, options, new        simpleimageloadinglistener(){                 @override                 public void onloadingcomplete(string imageuri, view view,bitmap loadedimage){                     holder.ivcontent.setvisibility(view.visible);                 }             },             new imageloadingprogresslistener() {                 @override                 public void onprogressupdate(string arg0, view arg1, int count, int total) {                     system.out.println("prog: "+(count*100)/total);                     //holder.ivloaderup.setclipping((count*100)/total);                 }             });          }             catch (parseexception e) {              e.printstacktrace();          }         return convertview;    } 

has run problem, please help.

you can found answer why loadings started again - here. uil abort downloading if there loaded less 75% of image data. if want change should change sources of ioutil class. change constant from:

public static final int continue_loading_percentage = 75; 


public static final int continue_loading_percentage = 0; 


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