migration - Error occurred after migrating application from COldFusion 8 to ColdFusion 10 -

xxx search engine application searches documents contained in various applications including app yyy. issue when app yyy document searched in xxx , clicked view same, not opening.

both applications in cf10 , issue observed after migration of xxx cf8 cf10, earlier xxx on cf8 , yyy on cf10 , both applications working fine.

this code snippet -

        <!--- check response application 1 , react accordingly --->         <cfif left(trim(ucase(cfhttp.filecontent)), 4) "true">                     <cfset request.moleculelibraryuser = true>                     <cfcookie name="cookie.mollib_id" expires="now">         <cfelse>                     <cfset request.moleculelibraryuser = false>                     <cfset flag = setdisplayerror("you did not come valid molecule library session.  please go molecule library , log in again.")>                     <cfset logonerror = true>                     <cfif isdefined("cookie.mollib_id")>                                 <cfcookie name="cookie.mollib_id" expires="now">                     </cfif>         </cfif> 

whenever user clicks on search link, redirects login page error message

"you did not come valid molecule library session. please go molecule library , log in again."

please check if have imported cf admin settings cf8 cf10 esp allowed ip addresses application. if can give clear error screen shot, becomes easy trace. check dependencies of viewer configured in cf10.


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