- When i click button in gridview it does't work -

i beginner of, making l small project having big problems, :) ... right have situation, used gridview retrieve data access database , done that, added buttons in grid view. when click on button following error comes

server error in '/e shop' application. invalid postback or callback argument. event validation enabled using in configuration or <%@ page enableeventvalidation="true" %> in page. security purposes, feature verifies arguments postback or callback events originate server control rendered them. if data valid , expected, use clientscriptmanager.registerforeventvalidation method in order register postback or callback data validation.


<asp:gridview id="gridview1" runat="server" autogeneratecolumns="false"       width= "100%" cellpadding="3">      <columns>          <asp:templatefield>              <itemtemplate>                  <table class="style17" width="100%" border=" 0">                      <tr>                          <td height="100%" width="25%">                              <asp:image id="image6" runat="server" height="144px"                                   imageurl='<%# "data:image/jpg;base64, " + convert.tobase64string((byte[]) eval("picture")) %>'                                   width="158px" bordercolor="black" borderstyle="inset" borderwidth="1px" />                          </td>                          <td align="center" height="100%" width="75%">                              <table align="right" class="style17">                                  <tr>                                      <td align="left">                                          <asp:label id="label7" runat="server" style="font-size: 15pt; color: #0000ff"                                               text='<%# bind("title") %>'></asp:label>                                      </td>                                      <td>                                          <asp:label id="label6" runat="server" text='<%# bind("brand") %>'                                               cssclass="style18" font-size="15pt"></asp:label>                                      </td>                                      <td align="right">                                          <asp:imagebutton id="imagebutton1" runat="server" height="51px"                                               imageurl="~/images/orange_addtocart-trans.png" width="159px"                                               onclick="imagebutton1_click" />                                      </td>                                  </tr>                                  <tr>                                      <td align="left">                                          <strong>rs:</strong><asp:label id="label2" runat="server"                                               text='<%# bind("price") %>' cssclass="style18" font-size="15pt"></asp:label>                                      </td>                                      <td>                                          <asp:label id="label3" runat="server" text='<%# bind("color") %>'                                               cssclass="style18" font-size="15pt"></asp:label>                                      </td>                                      <td align="right">                                          <asp:imagebutton id="imagebutton2" runat="server" height="51px"                                               imageurl="~/images/orange_addtocart-trans.png" width="159px"                                               onclick="imagebutton2_click" />                                      </td>                                  </tr>                                  <tr>                                      <td align="left">                                          <asp:label id="label4" runat="server" text='<%# bind("condition") %>'                                               cssclass="style18" font-size="15pt"></asp:label>                                      </td>                                      <td>                                          <asp:label id="label5" runat="server" text='<%# bind("material") %>'                                               cssclass="style18" font-size="15pt"></asp:label>                                      </td>                                      <td>                                          &nbsp;</td>                                  </tr>                              </table>                          </td>                      </tr>                  </table>              </itemtemplate>          </asp:templatefield>      </columns>      <emptydatatemplate>          <table class="style17">              <tr>                  <td align="left" height="100%" width="30%">                      <asp:image id="image5" runat="server" height="144px"                           imageurl='<%# "data:image/jpg;base64, " + convert.tobase64string((byte[]) eval("picture")) %>'                           width="193px" />                  </td>                  <td>                      &nbsp;</td>              </tr>          </table>      </emptydatatemplate>  </asp:gridview>


public partial class shirts :  {      protected void page_load(object sender, eventargs e)      {            oledbconnection con = new oledbconnection("provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source =" + server.mappath("~\\app_data\\products.mdb"));  ;            oledbcommand cmd = new oledbcommand();          cmd.commandtext = "select * shirts";            cmd.connection = con;            oledbdataadapter adaptor = new oledbdataadapter(cmd);          dataset ds = new dataset();          adaptor.fill(ds);            gridview1.datasource = ds;          gridview1.databind();            con.close();      }        protected void imagebutton1_click(object sender, imageclickeventargs e)      {    //      session["title"] = "label7.text";      }      protected void imagebutton2_click(object sender, imageclickeventargs e)      {        //  response.redirect("cart.aspx");      }      protected void button1_click(object sender, eventargs e)      {        //  response.redirect("cart.aspx");      }      protected void button2_click(object sender, eventargs e)      {             response.redirect("cart.aspx");      }  }

please me make buttons work in advance

you can't create event handler controls present in gridview control this, because not static , repeat each item coming datasource gridview.

when button clicked in gridview, rowcommand event raised, need write logic in event identifying control, this:-

to identify each control individually in gridview rowcommand event, need add commandname & commandargument properties control:-

<asp:imagebutton id="imagebutton1" runat="server" height="51px" imageurl="~/images/orange_addtocart-trans.png" width="159px" oncommand="foo" commandargument="<%# ((gridviewrow) container).rowindex %>"/> 

here, commandname used identify control raised event , commandargument used identify current row.

finally, can read them in code behind this:-

protected void gridview1_rowcommand(object sender, gridviewcommandeventargs e) {   if (e.commandname == "foo")   {      int index = convert.toint32(e.commandargument);      gridviewrow row = gridview1.rows[index];      // add logic here   } } 


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