error "Not Found" while Javascript to Rails AJAX connection -

i have simple rails controller method. method works in browser , displays "ok" string. when call javascript ajax method, error "not found" displayed log javascript error method.why ?

what see in browser js log is:

"jqxhr: [object object]" application.js:3069 "textstatus: error" application.js:3070 "errorthrown: not found" 

thanks responses:)


def get_value()     #coupon_name = params[:param1]     #@coupon = coupon.get_price(coupon_name)    #respond_to |format|       #format.js { render :layout=>false }       #render text: "17.8, true";       render text: "ok";     #end   end 

javascript script method:

function validatediscountcouponidajax( sec1, sec2 ) {                     if( typeof sec1 === 'undefined' || typeof sec2 === 'undefined' ){                 sec1 = 2;                 sec2 = 3;             }                      $.ajax({                             type: 'post',                             url: 'http://localhost:3000/coupons/',                             //data: $('discount_coupon_id').serialize(),                             success: function(resp) {                                     if (resp === 'ok') {                                                                                 console.log('validation ok');                                         showmessage( true, 'discount coupon validated!' );                                       }                                     else {                                             console.log('response error: ' + resp);                                             //$('#password-dialog-error').text(resp);                                     }                             },                             error: function( jqxhr, textstatus, errorthrown ) {                     var seconds = sec1 + sec2;                     sec1 = sec2;                     sec2 = seconds;                      console.log('jqxhr: '+jqxhr);                     console.log('textstatus: '+textstatus);                     console.log('errorthrown: '+errorthrown);                      var reconnectinterval = setinterval( function() {                         changemessage( false, 'connection error. trying reconnect in ' + seconds + ' seconds.', false );                         seconds--;                          if( seconds <= 0 ) {                             clearinterval( reconnectinterval );                             hidemessage( 'fast' );                             validatediscountcouponidajax( sec1, sec2 );                         }                     }, 1000 );                             }                     });             } 

added: found error in js class:

no route matches [post] "/coupons"

why such error?

added 2: solved! ok solved:), using in route.rb, ajax trying post:). after changing both , works:)

found solution:

js ajax method using post method

... $.ajax({ type: 'post', url: 'http://localhost:3000/coupons/', ... 

but in route.rb: url define method

get 'coupons' => 'coupons#get_value', :as => :coupons 

so solution change in both places or post value.


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