Python - File processing ( Write Method ) -

i having trouble while writing file using python

from validate_email import validate_email  result=open('output1.tsv','wb')  f=open('input.csv','r')  y=[]  result.write('email_address\temail_validation\n')  in f:     y.append(i.replace('\n',''))  j in y:     try:          val=validate_email('%s'%j, verify=true)     except:          val = "check again"     result.write('%s\t%s\n'%(j,val))     print j,val 

here variable x has operation , may take time process it.

variable y has more count of 500 ( input file contains 700 rows ).

but after run program around 120 written in output file.

a more idiomatic python is

emails    = [l.strip() l in open('input.csv','r').readlines()] valid     = [str(validate_email(addr, validate=1)) addr in emails] validated = ['\t'.join(addr_val) addr_val in zip(emails, valid)]  of open('output.tsv'):     of.write('email_address\temail_validation\n')     of.write('\n'.join(validated)) # if needed ; of.write('\n') 

edit in response late further info op

to take account possibility of timeouterror exception, raised smtp module, can write helper function

def validate_no_timeout(address):     try:         response = str(validate_email(address, validate=1))     except timeouterror:         response = "time out"     return response 

and rewrite second line in original post read

valid     = [validate_no_timeout(addr) addr in emails] 

nb: in op see generic reference time out error. in code catched timeouterror exception, in lack of exact info op.


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