Handling different success and fail states for multiple ajax call using deferred objects in jQuery -

$.when returns deferred object multiple ajax calls queried simultaneously.

if succeeds .done() executes , if 1 of url fails .fail() executes.

how handle partial success states? (i.e) if 5 urls passed $.when, if 3 succeeds need handle success state , 2 fails need handle failure state.

$.when($.getjson(headerurl), $.getjson(tasksurl), $.getjson(testingtrackerurl), $.getjson(highlightsurl)))     .then(function(headerdata, tasksdata,testingtrackerdata,highlightsdata) {         printdata(headerdata, tasksdata,testingtrackerdata,highlightsdata);     })     .fail(function(data, textstatus, jqxhr) {         console.error('got error in '+jqxhr); }); 


var request = function (url) {         return $.getjson(url) } , requests = [     headerurl     , tasksurl     , testingtrackerdataurl     , highlightsdataurl ]; // return array of `resolved` , `rejected` jqxhr objects $.when(     $.map(requests, function (_request, i) {          return request(_request)     }) ) // stuff `resolved` , `rejected` jqxhr objects .always(function (arr) {     $.each(arr, function (key, value) {         // `success`         value.then(function (data, textstatus, jqxhr) {             console.log(data, textstatus, jqxhr);             printdata(data)         }         // `error`         , function (jqxhr, textstatus, errorthrown) {             console.log(jqxhr, textstatus, errorthrown)         })     }) }); 

jsfiddle http://jsfiddle.net/guest271314/91lomwr3/


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