delphi - Error with PrivateMessages in IdIRC -

hi have problem following code:

program test;  {$apptype console} {$r *.res}  uses   system.sysutils, idirc, idcontext, idglobal;   // procedure tform1.idirc1privatemessage(asender: tidcontext; const anickname, // ahost, atarget, amessage: string);  // procedure tform1.idirc1raw(asender: tidcontext; ain: boolean; // const amessage: string);  procedure ircprivatemessage(aself: pointer; const anickname, ahost, atarget,   amessage: string); begin   writeln('[+] message ' + anickname + ' > ' + amessage); end;  procedure ircraw(aself: pointer; asender: tidcontext; ain: boolean;   const amessage: string); begin   writeln(iif(ain, '[recv] ', '[sent] ') + amessage); end;  var   irc: tidirc;   m1: tmethod;   m2: tmethod;  begin   try     irc := tidirc.create(nil);     try := 'localhost';       irc.port := 6667;       irc.nickname := 'tester';       irc.username := 'tester';        m1.code := @ircraw; := irc;       irc.onraw := tidircrawevent(m1);        m2.code := @ircprivatemessage; := irc;       irc.onprivatemessage := tidircprivmessageevent(m2);        try         irc.connect;       except         writeln('nay');         exit;       end;        writeln('yeah');        irc.join('#locos');        while ('1' = '1')       begin         //       end;  ;     end;   except     on e: exception       writeln(e.classname, ': ', e.message);   end;  end. 

the problem when receive private message, anickname entry gives me following error:

project test.exe raised exeption class #c00000005 message 'access violation @ 0x00404673:read of adress 0x03cf4e58

what doing wrong?

tidircprivmessageevent "procedures of object", implicitly references object. added self parameter that, omitted tidcontext parameter part of event:

procedure ircprivatemessage(aself: pointer; sender: tidcontext; const anickname, ahost, atarget, amessage: string); begin    .... end; 


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