javascript - AJAX Not Loading JSON Object -

i'm trying simple request acronym finder api reason json not being returned. here code:

   $.ajax('', {     crossdomain:true,      datatype: "jsonp",      success: function(data){       console.log(data);     } }); 

if visit url directly in browser, can see requested json, chrome console returns:

resource interpreted script transferred mime type text/plain: "". 

the chrome debugger network tab indicates correct file downloaded why isn't json being logged console?

the error message indicates response mime type 'text/plain'. expecting script mime type.

enter image description here

so need setup response @ backend (if under control). add content-type "application/x-javascript" response header. similar (in java):

@requestmapping(value = "/test/fake") public void testfake(httpservletrequest request,         httpservletresponse response) throws ioexception {     string callback = request.getparameter("jsonpcallback");     simplejson json = new simplejson("success", 0);     jsonobject resultjson = jsonobject.fromobject(json);     response.setcontenttype("application/x-javascript");   // set content-type "application/x-javascript"     printwriter out = response.getwriter();     if (callback == null) {         out.println("{error: 'callback function not defined.'}");     } else         out.println(callback + "(" + resultjson.tostring(1, 1) + ")"); } 


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