sed - linux delete multiple lines in a file -

i ios developer, not familiar linux, searched long time still not solve problem. hope can me, thanks!

before delete:

other contents......  # # proxy server iterm & terminal setup script # version 0.1 # vincentsit # nov 26, 2014 # function start_proxy {  export http_proxy=''  export https_proxy=''  }  function stop_proxy {  export http_proxy=''  export https_proxy=''  }  other contents...... 

after delete:

other contents...... other contents...... 


i'm writing shell script(can not use other languages.). on users system has text file named abc, content this:

# other comments...... # other comments...... # other comments...... other contents...... # other comments......  # # proxy server iterm & terminal setup script # version 0.1 # vincentsit # nov 26, 2014 # function start_proxy {  export http_proxy=''  export https_proxy=''  }  function stop_proxy {  export http_proxy=''  export https_proxy=''  }  # other comments...... other contents...... # other comments...... # other comments...... 

which other contents ...... fictional, can not use deleted condition.

i need delete following sections:

# # proxy server iterm & terminal setup script # version 0.1 # vincentsit # nov 26, 2014 # function start_proxy {  export http_proxy=''  export https_proxy=''  }  function stop_proxy {  export http_proxy=''  export https_proxy=''  } 

do not need delete other contents in file.

because runs on user's system, not know line number of contents want delete.

finally this:

# other comments...... # other comments...... # other comments...... other contents...... # other comments......  # other comments...... other contents...... # other comments...... # other comments...... 

i think answer might this:

sed xxxxxx abc.txt

awk xxxxxx abc.txt

this robustly delete precisely asked for:

$ cat bad # # proxy server iterm & terminal setup script # version 0.1 # vincentsit # nov 26, 2014 # function start_proxy {  export http_proxy=''  export https_proxy=''  }  function stop_proxy {  export http_proxy=''  export https_proxy=''  } 


$ cat file # other comments...... # other comments...... # other comments...... other contents...... # other comments......  # # proxy server iterm & terminal setup script # version 0.1 # vincentsit # nov 26, 2014 # function start_proxy {  export http_proxy=''  export https_proxy=''  }  function stop_proxy {  export http_proxy=''  export https_proxy=''  }  # other comments...... other contents...... # other comments...... # other comments...... 


$ awk -v rs='^$' -v ors= 'nr==fnr{bad=$0;next} s=index($0,bad){$0=substr($0,1,s-1) substr($0,s+length(bad))} 1' bad file # other comments...... # other comments...... # other comments...... other contents...... # other comments......  # other comments...... other contents...... # other comments...... # other comments...... $ 

it uses gnu awk multi-char rs. it's do-able in other awks if needed not going put effort until find out if solution looking for.

with bad in string:

$ awk -v rs='^$' -v ors= -v bad="# # proxy server iterm & terminal setup script # version 0.1 # vincentsit # nov 26, 2014 # function start_proxy {  export http_proxy=''  export https_proxy=''  }  function stop_proxy {  export http_proxy=''  export https_proxy=''  }  " 's=index($0,bad){$0=substr($0,1,s-1) substr($0,s+length(bad))} 1' file # other comments...... # other comments...... # other comments...... other contents...... # other comments......  # other comments...... other contents...... # other comments...... # other comments...... 


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