When I use hmset in php redis, why does it sucess if I use 'test_a' as the key, it fails if use 'test' -

require_once libfile('class/myredis'); $myredis = myredis::instance(6381); $res = $myredis->hmset('test', array('a' => 1, 'b' => 2)); var_dump($res);  /*the result: bool(false);*/  require_once libfile('class/myredis'); $myredis = & myredis::instance(6381); $res = $myredis->hmset('test_a', array('a' => 1, 'b' => 2)); var_dump($res); 

/* result: bool(true);*/

i can not understand why, there other differences between 2 keys, 'test' 'test_a', thank help!


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