jsf - How to drag selected item of p:selectOneListBox and drop into p:inputTextarea? -

here code:

 <p:selectonelistbox id="columnname"                         widgetvar="columnname"                         value="#{datatransformbean.column}">          <f:selectitems id="itemdrop"                        value="#{datatransformbean.columnlist}"                        var="item" itemvalue="#{item}" />          <p:ajax update="textarea" />     </p:selectonelistbox>      <p:inputtextarea  id="textarea" rows="6" cols="33" />      <p:selectonelistbox id="function"                         widgetvar="function"                         value="#{datatransformbean.function}">          <f:selectitems value="#{datatransformbean.functionvalnames}" />     </p:selectonelistbox>      <p:draggable for="columnname" revert="true" helper="clone"></p:draggable> 

i want drag selected item of <p:selectonelistbox> in <p:inputtextarea> for="id" drags whole list box..how can drag selected item list.

there "drag & drop - custom" example in showcase http://www.primefaces.org/showcase/ui/dnd/custom.xhtml

in example, defines class ".ui-treenode-leaf" draggable , class ".ui-datatable .droppoint" droppable.

(i guess) in case of p:selectonelistbox, can try define "ui-selectlistbox-item ui-corner-all ui-state-highlight" draggable. selected (highlight'ed) selectlistbox item draggable. of course should define p:inputtextarea droppable , create p:remotecommands necessary action listeners in bean.


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