javascript - Jqgrid not showing data on reloading when using GroupView and loadonce as true -

i using jqgrid 4.6 loadonce true , grouping column. have sorted data coming server per documentation of grouping given here. can't see data in grid when try reload data using below code


below code

jquery("#ramtargettable").jqgrid({                     url: '<%=url.content("~/ramtarget/gettargetdata")%>',                     width: 1220,                     height: 250,                     datatype: "json",                     colnames: [my column names],                     colmodel: [my model],                     emptyrecords: 'no turbines found selected plant',                     searchoptions: { searchhidden: true },                     mtype: 'get',                     loadonce: true,                     hidegrid: false,                     rowlist: [],                     pager: '#ramtargettablepager',                     viewrecords: true,                     caption: "ram targets",                     pgbuttons: false,                     pginput: false,                     pgtext: null,                     grouping: true,                     groupingview: {                         groupfield: ['serialnumber'],                         groupcolumnshow: [true],                         hidefirstgroupcol: [true]                     },                     editurl: '<%=url.content("~/ramtarget/addeditramtargets")%>',                     checkonsubmit: false,                     reloadaftersubmit: true                 });                  $('#ramtargettable').jqgrid('navgrid', '#ramtargettablepager', { edit: false, add: false, del: false, search: true});   function sendplantid() {                 var plantid = $("#lstplant").val() == null ? 0 : $("#lstplant").val();                 $.ajax({                     url: '<%=url.content("~/ramtarget/filtergrid")%>',                     type: "post",                     data: { id: plantid, filter: "plant" },                     success: function(data) { jquery("#ramtargettable").jqgrid('setgridparam',{datatype:'json'}).trigger('reloadgrid');                                }                     });                    } 


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