SVG rendering incomplete in Firefox -

i've been searching few hours reason svg wouldn't work in firefox. know if i'm running known bug or have problem in code here?

i'm asking in terms of svg in pen. note code in slim here.

svg.overlay viewbox="0 0 265 281.551"    g     path.outer d="m132.5,0c59.322,0,0,59.322,0,132.5c0,66.245,48.616,121.134,112.115,130.939l16.505,16.504, c2.143,2.144,5.617,2.144,7.762-0.001l0.001,0.001l16.504-16.505c216.385,253.633,265,198.745,265,132.5,c265,59.322,205.678,0,132.5,0z"     path.inner d="m132.502,256.388c64.08,256.388,8.614,200.921,8.614,132.5s64.08,8.612,132.502,8.612,c68.421,0,123.887,55.467,123.887,123.888s200.923,256.388,132.502,256.388z" 

update 1:

i had commas shouldn't have. what's interesting firefox browser in malformed svg didn't work in spite of error. specifically, in firefox, element did not render past point comma should not have been there located.

update 2:

as validation has been suggested me tried validating svg markup using w3c markup validation service. while check integrity of xml, wouldn't have caught particular problem.

you have added commas , in path. need remove them.

updated codepen

path.outer d="m132.5,0 c59.322,0 0,59.322 0,132.5 c0,66.245 48.616,121.134 112.115,130.939 l16.505,16.504 c2.143,2.144 5.617,2.144 7.762-0.001 l0.001,0.001 l16.504-16.505c216.385,253.633 265,198.745 265,132.5 c265,59.322 205.678,0 132.5,0z" path.inner d="m132.502,256.388c64.08 256.388,8.614 200.921,8.614 132.5s64.08,8.612 132.502,8.612 c68.421,0 123.887,55.467 123.887,123.888 s200.923,256.388 132.502,256.388z" 


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