c# - Move list of tables around -

for example, have matrix:

var source = new[]     {         new[] { "r", "b", "g", "y" },         new[] { "r", "b", "g", "y" },         new[] { "r", string.empty, "g", "y" },         new[] { "r", "b", "g", "y" }     } 

i want move empty string top position, first, create result equivalent to

var result = new[]     {         new[] { "r", "string.empty", "g", "y" },         new[] { "r", "b", "g", "y" },         new[] { "r", "b", "g", "y" },         new[] { "r", "b", "g", "y" }     } 

i want move empty string right, if needed create result equivalent to

var result = new[]     {         new[] { "r", "g", "y", string.empty },         new[] { "r", "b", "g", "y" },         new[] { "r", "b", "g", "y" },         new[] { "r", "b", "g", "y" }     } 

here code far

  static void moved(list<list<string>> list)     {         console.writeline("elements:"); 

checking list

        foreach (var sublist in list)         {             string empty = " ";              list[2][2] = empty; 

checking sublist , accessing elements in list

            (int = 0; < sublist.count; i++)             {                 if (sublist[2] == empty)                 {                     sublist[2] = sublist[3];                  }             } 

the value in sublist

            foreach (var value in sublist)             {                 console.write(value);                 console.write(' ');             }              console.writeline();         }      } 

here's solution:

class program {     static void main(string[] args)     {         var source = new[,]     {         { "r", "b", "g", "y" },         { "r", "b", "g", "y" },         { "r", string.empty, "g", "y" },         { "r", "b", "g", "y" }     };          printarray(source);         move(source, new pos() { row = 2, col = 1 }, new pos() { row = 0, col = 3 });          console.readkey();     }      static void move(string[,] arr, pos from, pos to)     {         movev(arr, from, to);         printarray(arr);          moveh(arr, from, to);         printarray(arr);     }      // moves item verticaly.     static void movev(string[,] arr, pos from, pos to)     {         // gets distance move.         int delta = to.row - from.row;          // gets direction of movement (+ or -)         int mov = math.sign(delta);          // moves item.         (int row = from.row, = 0; < math.abs(delta); row += mov, i++)         {             swap(arr, new pos() { row = row, col = from.col }, new pos() { row = row + mov, col = from.col });         }     }      // moves item horizonataly.     static void moveh(string[,] arr, pos from, pos to)     {         int delta = to.col - from.col;         int mov = math.sign(delta);         (int col = from.col, = 0; < math.abs(delta); col += mov, i++)         {             swap(arr, new pos() { row = to.row, col = col }, new pos() { row = to.row, col = col + mov });         }     }      // swaps 2 items on each move.     static void swap(string[,] arr, pos from, pos to)     {         string val = arr[to.row, to.col];         arr[to.row, to.col] = arr[from.row, from.col];         arr[from.row, from.col] = val;     }      // print array console.     static void printarray(string[,] arr)     {         stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder();         (int = 0; < 4; i++)         {             sb.appendline(string.format("{0} {1} {2} {3}", getval(arr, i, 0), getval(arr, i, 1), getval(arr, i, 2), getval(arr, i, 3)));         }         sb.appendline("");         console.write(sb.tostring());     }      static string getval(string[,] arr, int row, int col)     {         return string.isnullorwhitespace(arr[row, col]) ? " " : arr[row, col];     } }  struct pos {     public int row;     public int col; } 


correctend bug (hardcoded from/to) in move method.


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