c# - How to make to limit the image dragging area in app? -

now, i'm developing photo application(windows phone 8.1 runtime) got problem did not limit image dragging area while photos zooming.

enter image description here

here below code:

<canvas name="zoomgrid" visibility="collapsed">     <image x:name="zoomimages"            stretch="fill"            width="480"            height="800"            manipulationdelta="img_intro_manipulationdelta"            rendertransformorigin="0.5,0.5"            manipulationmode="all">         <image.rendertransform>             <compositetransform/>         </image.rendertransform>                     </image> </canvas>  double mincale = 0.5; double maxscale = 10.0;  private void image_manipulationdelta(object sender, manipulationdeltaroutedeventargs e) {                image elemt = sender image;     compositetransform transform = elemt.rendertransform compositetransform;      transform.scalex *= e.delta.scale;     transform.scaley *= e.delta.scale;      transform.translatex += e.delta.translation.x;     transform.translatey += e.delta.translation.y;      if (transform.scalex < mincale) transform.scalex = mincale;     if (transform.scaley < mincale) transform.scaley = mincale;     if (transform.scalex > maxscale) transform.scalex = maxscale;     if (transform.scaley > maxscale) transform.scaley = maxscale;      //to limit images dragging did not success.     double scalewidth = zoomimages.actualwidth * ct.scalex;     double scleheight = zoomimages.actualheight * ct.scaley;      double xdiff = math.max(0, (scalewidth - this.content.actualwidth) / 2);     double ydiff = math.max(0, (scleheight - this.content.actualheight) / 2);      if (math.abs(ct.translatex) > xdiff)         ct.translatex = xdiff * math.sign(e.delta.translation.x);     if (math.abs(ct.translatey) > ydiff)         ct.translatey = ydiff * math.sign(e.delta.translation.y);              } 

i've achieved using helper method check whether image within bounds of element.

in case, element you'd want check image, , want check it's within bounds of canvas.

private bool iselementvisible(frameworkelement element, frameworkelement container)     {         if (!element.isvisible)             return false;          rect bounds = element.transformtoancestor(container).transformbounds(new rect(0.0, 0.0, element.actualwidth, element.actualheight));         rect rect = new rect(0.0, 0.0, container.actualwidth, container.actualheight);          if (rect.left > bounds.right || rect.right < bounds.left || rect.bottom < bounds.top || rect.top > bounds.bottom)         {             return false;         }          return true;     } 

in case, i've used matrixtransform instead of compositetransform, method should same.

i create handlers 'manipulationstarting' , 'manipulationcompleted', where:


  1. stores current (pre-manipulation) copy of transform.


  1. check see if image out of bounds (using method i've posted).
  2. if out of bounds, revert original transform.

this way, if image dragged out of view - user lifts finger, image pop last location.

if you're interested broader context in used code, have wpf behaviour encapsulates functionality. code on codeplex. class may of interest you.

i hope helps :)


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