Eclipse doesn't start after installing VisualVM plugin -

i tried install visualvm plugin. eclipse doesn't start , log file looks like:

!session 2014-11-27 16:40:55.574 ----------------------------------------------- eclipse.buildid=4.3.0.i20130605-2000 java.version=1.6.0_39 java.vendor=sun microsystems inc. bootloader constants: os=win32, arch=x86_64, ws=win32, nl=de_de framework arguments:  -product -clearpersistedstate command-line arguments:  -os win32 -ws win32 -arch x86_64 -product -clean -clearpersistedstate  !entry org.eclipse.update.configurator 4 0 2014-11-27 16:41:01.775 !message unable find feature.xml in directory: c:\program files\eclipse\features\visualvm_launcher_1.1.1.jar 

i copied files zip right place!

even starting eclipse following params -clean -clearpersistedstate don't help.

just copying visualvm_launcher_1.1.1.jar file features folder won't work, needs folder not file. visual vm plugin distributed p2 update site, best way install unzip temporary folder use:

help->install new software...->add->local 

point @ temporary folder add update site. install wizard let select , install plugin.


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