gulp - "require not defined" when testing with proxyquireify stubs -

hello have project uses gulp build framework, , used karma jasmine testing.

i trying integrate proxyquireify mock requires, added proxyquireify browserify plugin in karma config, using karma-browserify.

but results in error when running tests, in first line, saying 'require undefined'.

what doing wrong?

here karma config

// karma configuration // generated on wed nov 26 2014 17:57:28 gmt+0530 (ist)

module.exports = function(config) {   config.set({      // base path used resolve patterns (eg. files, exclude)     basepath: '',       // frameworks use     // available frameworks:     frameworks: ['browserify', 'jasmine'],       // list of files / patterns load in browser     files: [       './components/renderer/**/*.spec.js',       './components/tracker/**/*.spec.js'     ],       // list of files exclude     exclude: [     ],       // preprocess matching files before serving them browser     // available preprocessors:     preprocessors: {         './components/**/*.spec.js'   : [ 'browserify' ]     },      browserify: {         debug:true,         plugin: ['proxyquireify/plugin']     },       // test results reporter use     // possible values: 'dots', 'progress'     // available reporters:     reporters: ['spec'],       // web server port     port: 9876,       // enable / disable colors in output (reporters , logs)     colors: true,       // level of logging     // possible values: config.log_disable || config.log_error || config.log_warn || config.log_info || config.log_debug     loglevel: config.log_info,       // enable / disable watching file , executing tests whenever file changes     autowatch: false,       // start these browsers     // available browser launchers:     browsers: ['chrome'],       // continuous integration mode     // if true, karma captures browsers, runs tests , exits     singlerun: false   }); }; 

proxyquireify works internally substituting require function provided browserify.

in case seems new substituted require function not exposed global scope.

i went through code , found out proxyquireify creates new require function in node_modules/proxyquireify/lib/prelude.js named newrequire.

the issue having newrequire function not exposed in global scope require function, changed node_modules/proxyquireify/lib/prelude.js

// override current require new 1 return newrequire; 


// override current require new 1 require = newrequire; 

and newrequire exposed global scope , worked fine. since change reset every time npm install, created gulp task in case change every time before tests run, add gulp task reference

// task modify proxyquireify works properly, there bug in npm library gulp.task('_patch:proxyquireify', function() {   gulp.src(['./node_modules/proxyquireify/lib/prelude.js'])    .pipe(replace(/return newrequire;/g, 'require = newrequire;'))    .pipe(gulp.dest('./node_modules/proxyquireify/lib')); }); 

i run task before executing test tasks, this

// task run tests gulp.task('run:test', ['_patch:proxyquireify'], function() {   //logic run tests }; 

i hope helps, thanks


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