login - Symfony using AdvancedUserInterface -

i trying implement login system symfony2. implementing advanceduserinterface user entity, , keep getting following error when try log in. appreciated.


$user must instanceof userinterface, object implementing __tostring method, or primitive string. 

user entity:

<?php  namespace flc\userbundle\entity;  use doctrine\orm\mapping orm; use symfony\component\security\core\user\advanceduserinterface; use serializable;  /** * user * * @orm\table(name="users") * @orm\entity(repositoryclass="flc\userbundle\entity\userrepository") */ class user implements advanceduserinterface, serializable {  /**  * @var integer  *  * @orm\column(name="userid", type="integer")  * @orm\id  * @orm\generatedvalue(strategy="auto")  */ private $userid;  /**  * @var string  *  * @orm\column(name="useremail", type="string", length=50)  */ private $useremail;  /**  * @var string  *  * @orm\column(name="username", type="string", length=20)  */ private $username;  /**  * @var string  *  * @orm\column(name="userpassword", type="string", length=60)  */ private $userpassword;  /**  * @var string  *  * @orm\column(name="usersalt", type="string", length=60, nullable=true)  */ private $usersalt;  /**  * @var string  *  * @orm\column(name="userfirstname", type="string", length=40)  */ private $userfirstname;  /**  * @var string  *  * @orm\column(name="userlastname", type="string", length=40)  */ private $userlastname;  /**  * @var string  *  * @orm\column(name="userphone", type="string", length=10)  */ private $userphone;  /**  * @var \datetime  *  * @orm\column(name="created", type="datetime")  */ private $created;  /**  * @var boolean  *  * @orm\column(name="isactive", type="boolean")  */ private $isactive;  /**  * @var array  *  * @orm\column(name="roles", type="json_array", nullable=true)  */ private $roles;  ######################### ## getter - setter functions ## #########################  /**  * userid  *  * @return integer   */ public function getuserid() {     return $this->userid; }  /**  * set useremail  *  * @param string $useremail  * @return user  */ public function setuseremail($useremail) {     $this->useremail = $useremail;      return $this; }  /**  * useremail  *  * @return string   */ public function getuseremail() {     return $this->useremail; }  /**  * set username  *  * @param string $username  * @return user  */ public function setusername($username) {     $this->username = $username;      return $this; }  /**  * username  *  * @return string   */ public function getusername() {     return $this->username; }  /**  * set userpassword  *  * @param string $userpassword  * @return user  */ public function setuserpassword($userpassword) {     $this->userpassword = $userpassword;      return $this; }  /**  * userpassword  *  * @return string   */ public function getuserpassword() {     return $this->userpassword; }  /**  * set usersalt  *  * @param string $usersalt  * @return user  */ public function setusersalt($usersalt) {     $this->usersalt = $usersalt;      return $this; }  /**  * usersalt  *  * @return string   */ public function getusersalt() {     return $this->usersalt; }  /**  * set userfirstname  *  * @param string $userfirstname  * @return user  */ public function setuserfirstname($userfirstname) {     $this->userfirstname = $userfirstname;      return $this; }  /**  * userfirstname  *  * @return string   */ public function getuserfirstname() {     return $this->userfirstname; }  /**  * set userlastname  *  * @param string $userlastname  * @return user  */ public function setuserlastname($userlastname) {     $this->userlastname = $userlastname;      return $this; }  /**  * userlastname  *  * @return string   */ public function getuserlastname() {     return $this->userlastname; }  /**  * set userphone  *  * @param string $userphone  * @return user  */ public function setuserphone($userphone) {     $this->userphone = $userphone;      return $this; }  /**  * userphone  *  * @return string   */ public function getuserphone() {     return $this->userphone; }  /**  * set created  *  * @param \datetime $created  * @return user  */ public function setcreated($created) {     $this->created = $created;      return $this; }  /**  * created  *  * @return \datetime   */ public function getcreated() {     return $this->created; }  /**  * set isactive  *  * @param boolean $isactive  * @return user  */ public function setisactive($isactive) {     $this->isactive = $isactive;      return $this; }  /**  * isactive  *  * @return boolean   */ public function getisactive() {     return $this->isactive; }  /**  * set roles  *  * @param boolean $roles  * @return user  */ public function setroles(array $roles) {     $this->roles = $roles;      return $this; }  ############################################# ## user interface functions implementation ## #############################################  public function getroles() {     #return $this->roles;      $roles = $this->roles;     $roles[] = 'role_user';      return array_unique($roles); }  public function erasecredentials() {     //will implemented }  public function getsalt() {     return $this->getusersalt(); }  public function getpassword() {     return $this->getuserpassword(); }  public function isaccountnonexpired() {     return true; }  public function isaccountnonlocked() {     return true; }  public function iscredentialsnonexpired() {     return true; }  public function isenabled() {     return $this->isactive; }  ##################################################### ## serializable interface functions implementation ## #####################################################  public function serialize() {     return serialize(array(         $this->userid,         $this->username,         $this->userpassword     )); }  public function unserialize($serialized) {     list(             $this->userid,             $this->username,             $this->userpassword) = unserialize($serialized); } } 

user repository:

<?php namespace flc\userbundle\entity;  use doctrine\orm\entityrepository; use symfony\component\security\core\user\userproviderinterface; use symfony\component\security\core\exception\unsupporteduserexception; use symfony\component\security\core\user\userinterface; use symfony\component\security\core\exception\usernamenotfoundexception;  /**  * userrepository  *  * class generated doctrine orm. add own custom  * repository methods below.  */ class userrepository extends entityrepository implements userproviderinterface {  public function findonebyusernameoremail($username) {     return $this->createquerybuilder('u')                     ->andwhere('u.username = :username or u.useremail = :email')                     ->setparameter('username', $username)                     ->setparameter('email', $username)                     ->getquery()                     ->getoneornullresult(); }  public function loaduserbyusername($username) {     //$user = $this->findonebyusernameoremail($username);     $user = $this->findoneby(array("username"=>$username));     if (!$user) {         throw new usernamenotfoundexception('no user found ' . $username);     }     return $user; }  public function refreshuser(userinterface $user) {     $class = get_class($user);      if (!$this->supportsclass($class)) {         throw new unsupporteduserexception(sprintf(                 'instances of "%s" not supported.', $class         ));     }      if (!$refresheduser = $this->find($user->getuserid())) {         throw new usernamenotfoundexception(sprintf('user id %s not found'), json_encode($refresheduser));     } }  public function supportsclass($class) {     return $this->getentityname() === $class || is_subclass_of($class, $this->getentityname()); } } 

security yml:

security: encoders:     flc\userbundle\entity\user: bcrypt  role_hierarchy:     role_admin:         role_user     role_super_admin:   [role_user, role_admin, role_allowed_to_switch]  providers:     flc_users:         entity: { class: flcuserbundle:user }  firewalls:     secured_area:         pattern: ^/         form_login:             login_path: login_form             check_path: login_check         logout:             path:   logout             target: /         anonymous: ~  access_control:     - { path: ^/app, roles: role_user } 

try adding __tostring method on user entity:

public function __tostring() {     return (string) $this->getusername(); } 


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