Php and MysQL JOIN tree table -

i have 1 question join php section .

i know question have in solution not helped me.

i using code join 2 table:

<?php    $select_posts = "select users.uid,users.user_name,user_uploads.uid_fk,user_uploads.image_path    users    join user_uploads    on users.uid = user_uploads.uid_fk    user_name='$user_name' order rand() limit 0,4";    $run_posts = mysql_query($select_posts);   while($row=mysql_fetch_array($run_posts)) {       $image_path=$row['image_path'];       $uid_fk = $row['uid_fk'];  ?> 

this code work want add table here.

other table name is: message

table inside have:

msg_id uid_fk comment_count like_count 

how can add third table here? can me!

just join third table join keyword in query.

select table_users.uid,table_users.user_name,table_user_uploads.uid_fk,table_user_uploads.image_path, table_message.msg_id   table_users    join table_user_uploads    on table_users.uid = table_user_uploads.uid_fk    join table_message    on table_message.uid_fk = table_users.uid   user_name='$user_name' order rand() limit 0,4 


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