stress testing - Regular expression to find input value in scala -

i'm getting response below

while making request

<!-- template name: form.autopost.template.html -->  <html>     <head>     <title>submit form</title>     </head>     <body onload="javascript:document.forms[0].submit()">        <noscript>             <p>                 <strong>note:</strong> since browser not support javascript,                         must press resume button once proceed.             </p>         </noscript>         <form method="post" action="https://myurl/">                         <input type="hidden" name="myvar" value="t1rlaqkby"/>                         <noscript><input type="submit" value="resume"/></noscript>         </form>     </body> </html> 

how can value of myvar name using scala. can suggest me regex this.

i'm done code below not gives me proper value says failed: regex( .* value=.* ).exists, found nothing

.exec(                 http("get value")                 .get("https://some/url")                .check(regex("""<input type="hidden" name="myvar" value="(.*)" />""").saveas("input"))             ) 

delete space ' ' before closing angle />:

.exec(             http("get value")             .get("https://some/url")            .check(regex("""<input type="hidden" name="myvar" value="(.*)"/>""").saveas("input"))         ) 


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