java - How to add associated text for input text in Struts html? -

<tr> <td valign="top" width="150"> <label for="mfyr">maximum factory year</label> <!-- <label for="mfyr"><span style="color: rgb(255, 51, 0);" class="fnt">*</span></label></td> skl--> <span id="mfyr" style="color: rgb(255, 51, 0);" class="fnt">*</span>  <td width="7"><br /> </td> <td valign="top" width="140"> <%-- <html:text styleid="mfyr" property="maximumfactotyyear" size="15"  styleclass="iform" /></td> --%> <html:text id="mfyr" property="maximumfactotyyear" size="15" styleclass="iform" 


this code there. using rational policy tester(rpt), getting policy violation of "each form control must have associated text."... please me in sorting out issue. in advance

try changing id of <span id="mfyr">, because conflicts id of <html:text>. that's why <label> confused.


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