java - Configuring priority in rabbitmq -

i have following configuration attempting change support priority queues. based on done research says should have 2 queues 1 each priority. adjusted configuration following:

@configuration public class fixedreplyqueueconfig {  @bean public connectionfactory rabbitconnectionfactory() {     cachingconnectionfactory connectionfactory = new cachingconnectionfactory();     connectionfactory.sethost("localhost");     connectionfactory.setusername("urbanbuz");     connectionfactory.setpassword("ub");     connectionfactory.setvirtualhost("urbanbuzvhost");     return connectionfactory; }  /**  * @return rabbit template fixed reply queue.  */ @bean public rabbittemplate fixedreplyqrabbittemplate() {     rabbittemplate template = new rabbittemplate(rabbitconnectionfactory());     template.setexchange(ex().getname());     template.setroutingkey("test");     template.setreplyqueue(replyqueue());     return template; }  /**  * @return reply listener container - rabbit template listener.  */ @bean public simplemessagelistenercontainer replylistenercontainer() {     simplemessagelistenercontainer container = new simplemessagelistenercontainer();     container.setconnectionfactory(rabbitconnectionfactory());     container.setqueues(replyqueue());     container.setmessagelistener(fixedreplyqrabbittemplate());     return container; }  /**  * @return listener container handles request , returns reply.  */ @bean public simplemessagelistenercontainer servicelistenercontainer() {     simplemessagelistenercontainer container = new simplemessagelistenercontainer();     container.setconnectionfactory(rabbitconnectionfactory());     container.setqueues(requestqueue());     container.setmessagelistener(new messagelisteneradapter(new pojolistener()));     return container; }  @bean public directexchange ex() {     return new directexchange("", false, true); }  @bean public binding binding() {     return bindingbuilder.bind(requestqueue()).to(ex()).with("test"); }  @bean public queue requestqueue() {     return new queue("ub.request"); }  @bean public queue replyqueue() {     return new queue("ub.reply"); }  /**  * @return admin handle declarations.  */ @bean public rabbitadmin admin() {     return new rabbitadmin(rabbitconnectionfactory()); } } 

to following:

@configuration public class fixedreplyqueueconfig {  @bean public connectionfactory rabbitconnectionfactory() {     cachingconnectionfactory connectionfactory = new cachingconnectionfactory();     connectionfactory.sethost("localhost");     connectionfactory.setusername("urbanbuz");     connectionfactory.setpassword("ub");     connectionfactory.setvirtualhost("urbanbuzvhost");     return connectionfactory; }  /**  * @return rabbit template fixed reply queue.  */ @bean public rabbittemplate fixedreplyqrabbittemplate() {     rabbittemplate template = new rabbittemplate(rabbitconnectionfactory());     template.setexchange(ex().getname());     template.setroutingkey("high");     template.setroutingkey("normal");     template.setreplyqueue(replyqueue());     return template; }   /**  * @return reply listener container - rabbit template listener.  */ @bean public simplemessagelistenercontainer replylistenercontainer() {     simplemessagelistenercontainer container = new simplemessagelistenercontainer();     container.setconnectionfactory(rabbitconnectionfactory());     container.setqueues(replyqueue());     container.setmessagelistener(fixedreplyqrabbittemplate());     return container; }   /**  * @return listener container handles request , returns reply.  */ @bean public simplemessagelistenercontainer servicelistenercontainer() {     simplemessagelistenercontainer container = new simplemessagelistenercontainer();     container.setconnectionfactory(rabbitconnectionfactory());     container.setqueues(requestqueuehigh(), requestqueue());     container.setmessagelistener(new messagelisteneradapter(new pojolistener()));     return container; }  @bean public directexchange ex() {     return new directexchange("", false, true); }  @bean public binding binding() {     return bindingbuilder.bind(requestqueue()).to(ex()).with("normal"); }  @bean public binding bindinghigh() {     return bindingbuilder.bind(requestqueuehigh()).to(ex()).with("high"); }  @bean public queue requestqueue() {     return new queue("ub.request"); }  @bean public queue requestqueuehigh() {     return new queue("ub.request.high"); }  @bean public queue replyqueue() {     return new queue("ub.reply"); }  /**  * @return admin handle declarations.  */ @bean public rabbitadmin admin() {     return new rabbitadmin(rabbitconnectionfactory()); } } 

am going around correct way? how should proceed make consumer consume 1 on other?

this how call test:

public class app {   public static void main(string[] args) {             applicationcontext context = new annotationconfigapplicationcontext(fixedreplyqueueconfig.class);     rabbittemplate rabbittemplate = context.getbean(rabbittemplate.class);      rabbittemplate.convertsendandreceive("", "normal" , "yalla");      rabbittemplate.convertsendandreceive("", "high" , "hello"); } } 

and pojo class:

public class pojolistener { public string handlemessage(string foo) {     system.out.println("in message receiver");     return "it's weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!"; } } 

both messages sent through not sure how priority implemented implemented configuration , classes.

note i'm trying avoid plugins support priority.

the code spring amqp (blockingqueueconsumer) looks like:

for (string queuename : queues) {     if (!this.missingqueues.contains(queuename)) {         consumefromqueue(queuename);     } } 

os, if config is:

container.setqueues(requestqueuehigh(), requestqueue()); 

you going receive messages requestqueuehigh() on requestqueue(). , independently of concurrency on listenercontainer.

you can test several messages, stopped listener start of application. , start() listener container after sending messages.


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