angularjs - Angular directive two way databinding fails -

i have dropdown directive function sets active item in dropdown:

angular.module('clientapp')   .directive('customdropdown', function ($filter, calculationsfactory) {     return {       templateurl: 'template/custom-drop-down/custom-drop-down.html',       restrict: 'e',       scope: {         resources: '=',         activeresource: '=',       },       link: function postlink(scope) {         scope.setactiveresource = function(resource){           scope.activeresource = resource;         };        }     };   }); 


  <custom-drop-down resources="medias" active-resource="activemedia"></custom-drop-down> 


<div class="btn-group" dropdown>   <button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" dropdown-toggle style="width:100%;" ng-click="$event.stoppropagation()">     {{activeresource.title}} <span class="caret pull-right" style="margin-top:8px;"></span>   </button>   <ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu">     <li ng-repeat="resource in filtredresources"         ng-click="setactiveresource(resource)"         ng-class="{active: resource === activeresource}">       <a href>{{resource.title}}</a>     </li>   </ul> </div> 

problem function don't 2 way bind "activemedia" in case. not updated.

i tried replicate case in jsfiddle there works. have missed?


i have identified issue. directive placed within accordion directive ui-bootstrap:

 <accordion>     <accordion-group heading="resources" is-open="true">        <custom-drop-down resources="medias" active-resource="activemedia"></custom-drop-down>     </accordion-group>  </accordion> 

if move directive outside accordion directive, works. somehow accordion directive interfering directive. possible solve without modifying code ui-bootstrap?

in case scoping issue, discussed here.

for elements inside angular-bootstrap controls need use $parent. prefix on scope variables.

<accordion>     <accordion-group heading="resources" is-open="true">        <custom-drop-down resources="$parent.medias" active-resource="$parent.activemedia"></custom-drop-down>     </accordion-group> </accordion> 


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