shared libraries - How to do manual wrapping of C++ code into Python in Ubuntu -

below code calling c++ api's python:

#include <python.h>  #include "dijsdk.h"  #include <iostream>  #include <qstring>  #include "arraysize.h"  static pyobject* sdktest_getversion(pyobject* self,pyobject* args);  static pymethoddef defmethod[]={ {"dijsdk_getversion", sdktest_getversion, meth_varargs, "dijsdk_getversion() -> string. retrieves sdk version number."}, {null,null,0,null} };  pymodinit_func  initsdktest(void) { (void) py_initmodule("sdktest", defmethod); }  static pyobject* sdktest_getversion(pyobject* self,pyobject* args) { const char* name;  if (!pyarg_parsetuple(args, "s", &name)) return null;  printf("hello %s!\n", name);  error_t result = e_ok; qstring m_guids[16]; dijsdk_camguid guids[arraysize(m_guids)] = {0}; unsigned int numguids = arraysize(guids); char version[256] = {0}; unsigned int maxlength = arraysize(version); result = dijsdk_getversion(version, maxlength); std::cout<<"version = "<<version<<"\n"; result = dijsdk_init(); //api call result = dijsdk_findcameras(guids, &numguids); //api call std::cout<<"\nnumguids = " <<numguids; std::cout<<"\nresult = "<<result; py_return_none; } 

i compiling file using following command:

  $g++ -fpic -g -c -wall -i/usr/include/python2.7 -i/usr/include/qt4/qtcore -i/usr/include/qt4/qtcore -i/usr/include/qt4/qtgui -i/usr/include/qt4/qtgui -i/usr/include/qt4 -i. -i. sdktest.cpp 

i creating .so file using command:

  $ g++ -shared -rdynamic -o sdktest.o -l/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ -lpython2.7 -ldijsdk -lqtgui -lqtcore -wl,-rpath=/home/embadmin/desktop/linux/dijsdk-1.1.7-linux/bin/ 

and once .so file created placing file in : /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages , importing module "sdktest" python interpreter.

here going fine without errors.

my concern here is: during runtime c++ library file load library should placed .so file loading python. have placed runtime libraries in folder .so file placed still not getting loaded.

i have tried same scenario pure c++ code , libraries getting called , whats special python here? doing wrong here?

and same code working fine in windows, there creating pyd file using visual studio.

is there settings have in linux work correctly?


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