Webcam doesn't work with openCV 1.0 C (CodeBlocks) -

i got problem, want window webcam displays; have windows ... black tried got image dimensions, it's 0x0 webcam good, works displaying of windows!! this's ma code (windows 7 x64 bits)

#include <iostream> #include <cv.h> #include <highgui.h> using namespace std;  int main() {     iplimage* img;     cvcapture* capture = cvcapturefromcam (cv_cap_any);     if (!capture)         return 10;      cvnamedwindow("video", cv_window_autosize);     char key = 'a';      if (!cvgrabframe(capture))         return 20;      while (key != 'q'){         img = cvretrieveframe(capture);         cvshowimage("video", img);          key = cvwaitkey(60);          if (!cvgrabframe(capture))             key = 'q';      }     cvdestroyallwindows();     img = null;     cvreleasecapture(&capture);      return 0; } 


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