angularjs - javascript does't convert angular ui datepicker date to UTC correctly -

i'm using angular ui datepicker in project( web api + angularjs). works fine when i'm trying save date db doesn't convert utc format correctly , substructs 1 day(actually few hours affects day too).

for example when choose 01/11/2014 in datepicker:

angularjs object: sat nov 01 2014 00:00:00 gmt+0200 (fle standard time)  in request:  2014-10-31t22:00:00.000z  in api controller: {31-oct-14 10:00:00 pm} 

datepicker controller:

app.controller('datepickerctrl', function ($scope) {     $ = function () {         $scope.dt = new date();     };     $;     $scope.clear = function () {         $scope.dt = null;     };     $ = function ($event) {         $event.preventdefault();         $event.stoppropagation();          $scope.opened = true;     };     $scope.format = 'dd/mm/yyyy';     $scope.dateoptions = {         'starting-day': 1     }; }); 


<div class="form-group inputgroupcontainer" ng-controller="datepickerctrl">                     <label for="date">date of birth</label>                     <p class="input-group">                         <input type="text" name="date1" ui-date="{dateformat: 'yy-mm-dd'}" ui-date-format="yy-mm-dd" placeholder="dd/mm/yyyy" class="form-control" datepicker-popup="{{format}}" ng-model="user.personal.birthdate" max-date="currentdate" is-open="opened" close-text="close" />                         <span class="input-group-btn">                             <button type="button"   class="btn btn-default" ng-click="open($event)"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></i></button>                         </span>                     </p>                 </div> 

but seems angular datepicker highlight correct date:

enter image description here

i've tried manually convert date utc format unsuccessfully well

   toutcdate: function (d) {             var date = new date(d);             var _utc = new date(date.getutcfullyear(), date.getutcmonth(), date.getutcdate());//, date.getutchours(), date.getutcminutes(), date.getutcseconds()             return _utc;         } 

should specify timezone or use angular js filter? i'll appreciate help!

i have had exact same problem, solution remove timezone component of date part. solve problem in more generic way had written directive

csapp.directive("csdatetoiso", function () {      var linkfunction = function (scope, element, attrs, ngmodelctrl) {          ngmodelctrl.$parsers.push(function (datepickervalue) {             return moment(datepickervalue).format("yyyy-mm-dd");         });     };      return {         restrict: "a",         require: "ngmodel",         link: linkfunction     }; }); 

above directive removes timezone part , considers date part of iso date format input.

i use moment.js date manipulations. can convert above not use moment.js


use below

  <input ng-model='abc' cs-date-to-iso ui-datepicker> 


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