Background Bluetooth with iOS device -

i working on developing bluetooth peripheral work ios device. need make ios app receive data whilst it's in background , process data comes. looking through apple's corebluetooth framework, can see how background execution modes can used. save power, want ios device connect bluetooth peripheral @ time (without need of user interaction). i've looked through local notifications on ios , has limited functionality , don't think provides need.

so there anyway wake app @ 6pm , ask application start scanning bluetooth devices? , execute other code once device connected? without user interaction.

any suggestions appreciated!


you can't schedule operations occur @ specific time in ios (aside local notification, said isn't need).

you can use background fetch mode periodically allow app check new data. can set interval (although guideline ios, not strict schedule) how app woken.

when ios calls app delegate performfetchwithcompletionhandler method can check current time , decide whether want transfer data. if not can return uibackgroundfetchresultnodata. if new data can retrieve before returning uibackgroundfetchresultnewdata


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