hadoop - Solr - IO Exception while posting data: java.net.ConnectionException -

i trying use apache solr index data on clouera in hadoop using cloudera's cdh 4.7

$ java -durl=http://localhost:8983/solr/collection1/update -jar post.jar monitor.xml" throws error  "simpleposttool version 1.5 posting files base url http://localhost:8993/solr/collection1/update using content-type application/xml.. posting file monitor.xml simpleposttool: fatal: ioexception while posting data: java.net.connectexception: connection refused" 

i ensured other settings have been performed correctly. went through blogs posted couldn't still figure out why connection getting refused. solr service in cloudera manager running on port 8983.

please help. in advance

i recommend go cloudera cdh 5.2 has resolved issue. solr folder missing in /user/share/docs , have explicitly put solr files inside.


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