Android - Using SimpleCursorAdapter in AutoCompleteTextView gives CursorIndexOutofBoundsException when user selects 3rd suggestion onwards -

sorry mouthful of title, have cut down because exceeded 150 character limit.

i have autocompletetextview (actv) , using simplecursoradapter since normal actv searches user input @ start of each substring (substring separated whitespaces) , not within substrings. example, having list adipose , bad wolf , searching ad show adipose , not bad wolf. made adapter shown below:

//create actv here autocompletetextview search = (autocompletetextview) findviewbyid(; search.setthreshold(1);  string[] = { "name" }; int[] = { };  simplecursoradapter cursoradapter = new simplecursoradapter(this,          android.r.layout.simple_dropdown_item_1line, null, from, to, 0);  cursoradapter.setstringconversioncolumn(1);  filterqueryprovider provider = new filterqueryprovider(){     @override     public cursor runquery(charsequence constraint) {         // todo auto-generated method stub         string constrain = (string) constraint;         constrain = constrain.touppercase();         log.d("hi", "runquery constraint: " + constraint);         if (constraint == null) {             return null;         }         string[] columnnames = { columns._id, "name" };         matrixcursor c = new matrixcursor(columnnames);         try {             (int = 0; < pdflist.length; i++) {                 if(pdflist[i].contains(constrain)){                     log.d("hello","match! pdflist item = " + pdflist[i]);                     c.newrow().add(i).add(pdflist[i]);                 }             }         } catch (exception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }         return c;     } };  cursoradapter.setfilterqueryprovider(provider); search.setadapter(cursoradapter); 

this code enables me show other list items contains substring user input.

now, trying make onitemclicklistener function properly. here have far:

search.setonitemclicklistener(new onitemclicklistener() {     @override     public void onitemclick(adapterview<?> parent, view view, int position,             long id) {         matrixcursor matrix = (matrixcursor)parent.getitematposition(position);          log.d("hello", "matrix values = " + matrix);          string selection = matrix.getstring(position);           log.d("hallo","selection = " + selection);         log.d("hello","item id @ position = " + parent.getitemidatposition(position));          int pos = (int) parent.getitemidatposition(position);         log.d("sup", "position = " + pos);         string path = imagelist[pos].getabsolutepath();         openpdfintent(path);     } }); 

here, trying matrixcursor element @ given position. works fine of user selects first 2 suggestions. however, when user clicks 3rd suggestion onwards, application throws cursorindexoutofboundsexception requested column: 2, # of columns: 2 clicking on logcat lines pointed me code string selection = matrix.getstring(position);

i think doing matrix.getstring(position) causes error since getstring returns value of requested column string, , since there 2 columns, selecting suggestion in actv position (position shown user, not position of said item in list) greater 2 causes code screw up.

my question is, there better way string value of selected item given using simplecursoradapter? i've looked on documentation of matrix cursor in android dev site , can't find way row/element based on position.

any appreciated.


using matrix.movetofirst(); such did not well:

search.setonitemclicklistener(new onitemclicklistener() {     @override     public void onitemclick(adapterview<?> parent, view view, int position,             long id) {         matrixcursor matrix = (matrixcursor)parent.getitematposition(position);         if(matrix != null) {             if(matrix.getcount() > 0) {                 matrix.movetofirst();                 string selection = matrix.getstring(position);                    int pos = (int) parent.getitemidatposition(position);                 string path = imagelist[pos].getabsolutepath();                 openpdfintent(path);             }             }     } }); 

and still got exception:

android.database.cursorindexoutofboundsexception: requested column: 4, # of columns: 2 

the requested column 4 position of selected actv suggestion, indexed zero.

try out this

matrixcursor matrix = .............  log.d("hello", "matrix values = " + matrix);  /***** check here cursor not null *****/ if(matrix != null) {     if(matrix.getcount() > 0) {         matrix.movetofirst();         /***         stuff here....         **/     }     } 


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