Perl compare two files and copy lines to new file -

i’m beginner in perl , i’m trying compare 2 files perl. 1 contains list of id’s other 1 has strings contain id’s , more text. want copy lines matching id’s third file, instead of correct strings number. have done wrong?

use strict; use warnings;  open ( ids , "<id.txt"); @ids = <ids>; chomp(@ids); close ids; $id = @ids; open ( meta , "<meta.txt"); @metas = <meta>; chomp(@metas); $meta = @metas;  open ( out1, ">>", "outtest.txt"); foreach $id (@metas){     print out1 "$meta"."\n"; } close out1; close meta; 

try hash variables output:

use strict; use warnings;  open ( meta , "<meta.txt"); %idsvalues = (); #create 1 new hash variable while(<meta>) {     $line = $_;     if($line=~m{<id>(\d+)</id>\s*<string>([^<>]*)</string>})     {         $idsvalues{$1} = $2; #store values , text hash variable     } } close(meta); #close opened file @values; open ( ids , "<id.txt"); while(<ids>) {     $line = $_;     if($line=~m/<id>(\d+)<\/id>/i)     {     #check if value presents in file , push them array variable.         push(@values, "ids: $1\tvalues: $idsvalues{$1}") if(defined $idsvalues{$1} );     } } close(ids); #close opened file open ( out1, ">>", "outtest.txt"); print out1 join "\n", @values; #join newline , print output line in output file. close out1; #close opened file 


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