visual studio - Weird Powershell Console output for GetAssemblyName.FullName -

i tried this:

why this畁湳桡敭戠楥畁牦晵湥瘠湯∠敇䅴獳浥汢乹浡≥洠瑩ㄠ䄠杲浵湥⡴湥㨩†䐢牥倠慦⁤਍慨⁴楥湵腧瑬杩獥䘠牯慭⹴ഢ䤊敚汩㩥‱敚捩敨㩮റ⬊嬠祓瑳浥刮晥敬瑣潩⹮獁敳扭祬慎敭㩝䜺瑥獁敳扭祬慎敭∨⤢䘮汵乬浡൥⬊縠繾繾繾繾繾繾繾繾繾繾繾繾繾繾繾繾繾繾繾繾繾繾繾繾繾繾繾繾繾繾ൾ †⬠䌠瑡来牯䥹普††††㨠丠瑯灓捥晩敩㩤⠠⤺嬠ⱝ䴠瑥潨䥤癮捯瑡潩䕮捸灥楴湯਍††‫畆汬兹慵楬楦摥牅潲䥲⁤›牁畧敭瑮硅散瑰潩൮ ਍

is there easy way find out full name of assembly?

this exception message in german encoded in euc-jp encoding, , byte stream interpreted utf-16.

it reads:

 ausnahme beim aufrufen von "getassemblyname" mit 1 argument(en):  "der pfad hat ein ung?ltiges format." in zeile:1 zeichen:1 + [system.reflection.assemblyname]::getassemblyname("").fullname + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     + categoryinfo          : notspecified: (:) [], methodinvocationexception     + fullyqualifiederrorid : argumentexception 

try fixing default encodings utf-16.


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