android - How to update canvas draw text instead of redraw canvas -

i able draw text on canvas on motion view problem when draw text & go next draw on same canvas draw text getting disappear mean screen getting redraw because of invalidate want keep previous draw , make new draw on same canvas how going ?

@override    protected void ondraw(canvas canvas) {     paint hint = new paint();     path = new path();     mtextpaths = new arraylist<path>();     log.v("getting mtextpaths", mtextpaths.tostring());      int m;     if (strgettile != null) {         (m = 0; m < strgettile.length(); m++) {             system.out.println(strgettile.charat(m));             char convertst = strgettile.charat(m);             charactertostring = character.tostring(convertst);              // canvas.drawtext(charactertostring, x, y, hint);             // canvas.drawtext(charactertostring, m             // * width + x, m * height + y, foreground); //its working in             // cross             // canvas.drawtext(charactertostring, x, m * height + y,             // foreground); //its working vertical             // canvas.drawtext(charactertostring, m             // * width + x, y, foreground); //its working in horizontal             // setselectedtile(tile);             if (getorientation.equalsignorecase("horizontal")) {                 canvas.drawtext(charactertostring, m * width + positionx,                         positiony, foreground); // motion event                 hint.setcolor(;                 hint.settextsize(45);                 foreground.gettextpath(charactertostring, 0,                         charactertostring.length(), positionx * 2 / 3,                         positiony - 4, path);              } else {                 canvas.drawtext(charactertostring, positionx, m * height                         + positiony, foreground);                 hint.setcolor(;                 hint.settextsize(45);                 foreground.gettextpath(charactertostring, 0,                         charactertostring.length(), positionx * 2 / 3,                         positiony - 4, path);               }           }      }    public void setselectedtile(string tile, string strorientations) {     // todo auto-generated method stub     log.v("getting string in puzzle view ", tile);     strgettile = tile;     getorientation = strorientations;     mtextpaths.add(path);     invalidate();   } 

  1. canvas creating every time whenever calling invalidate() method. maintaining text , positions in arraylist , draw canvas whenever clicking on canvas.
  2. it 1 of way solve problem. canvas bitmap. whatever draw on permanent. there ways handle again implementations redraw entire canvas on every pass.

    below code snip:

    public class puzzleview extends view { private static final string tag = "sudoku"; private float width; // width of 1 tile private float height; // height of 1 tile private int selx; // x index of selection private int sely; // y index of selection private final rect selrect = new rect(); private final game game; float positionx = 5; float positiony = 15; arraylist<kirti> data = new arraylist<kirti>(); string strgettile = null;  paint foreground = new paint(paint.anti_alias_flag); string getorientation;  string charactertostring; path path; list<path> mtextpaths = new arraylist<path>();  public puzzleview(context context) {     super(context); = (game) context;     setfocusable(true);     setfocusableintouchmode(true); }  @override protected void onsizechanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) {     width = w / 9f;     height = h / 9f;     // getrect(selx, sely, selrect);     log.d(tag, "onsizechanged: width " + width + ", height " + height);     super.onsizechanged(w, h, oldw, oldh); }  @override protected void ondraw(canvas canvas) {     // super.ondraw(canvas);     //;     // canvas.restore();     // draw background...     paint background = new paint();     background.setcolor(getresources().getcolor(r.color.puzzle_background));     canvas.drawrect(0, 0, getwidth(), getheight(), background);      // draw board...     // define colors grid lines     paint dark = new paint();     dark.setcolor(getresources().getcolor(r.color.puzzle_dark));      paint hilite = new paint();     hilite.setcolor(getresources().getcolor(r.color.puzzle_hilite));      paint light = new paint();     light.setcolor(getresources().getcolor(r.color.puzzle_light));      // draw minor grid lines     (int = 0; < 9; i++) {         canvas.drawline(0, * height, getwidth(), * height, light);         canvas.drawline(0, * height + 1, getwidth(), * height + 1,                 hilite);         canvas.drawline(i * width, 0, * width, getheight(), light);         canvas.drawline(i * width + 1, 0, * width + 1, getheight(),                 hilite);     }      // draw major grid lines     (int = 0; < 9; i++) {         if (i % 3 != 0)             continue;         canvas.drawline(0, * height, getwidth(), * height, dark);         canvas.drawline(0, * height + 1, getwidth(), * height + 1,                 hilite);         canvas.drawline(i * width, 0, * width, getheight(), dark);         canvas.drawline(i * width + 1, 0, * width + 1, getheight(),                 hilite);     }      paint hint = new paint();     path = new path();      int m;     (int = 0; < data.size(); i++) {         string strgettile = data.get(i).getst();          if (strgettile != null) {             (m = 0; m < strgettile.length(); m++) {                 system.out.println(strgettile.charat(m));                 char convertst = strgettile.charat(m);                 charactertostring = character.tostring(convertst);                  if (data.get(i).getorientation                         .equalsignorecase("horizontal")) {                      canvas.drawtext(charactertostring, m                             * data.get(i).getwidth()                             + data.get(i).getxposition(), data.get(i)                             .getyposition(), foreground); // motion                                                           // event                      hint.setcolor(;                     hint.settextsize(45);                  } else {                     // mtextpaths.add(strgettile);                     // (int = 0; < mtextpaths.size(); i++) {                      canvas.drawtext(charactertostring, data.get(i)                             .getxposition(), m * data.get(i).getheight()                             + data.get(i).getyposition(), foreground);                     // }                      hint.setcolor(;                     hint.settextsize(45);                  }              }             try {                 if (foreground != null) {                     foreground.gettextpath(charactertostring, 0,                             charactertostring.length(), data.get(i)                                     .getxposition() * 2 / 3, data.get(i)                                     .getyposition() - 4, path);                 }              } catch (exception e) {              }          }     }  }  @override public boolean ontouchevent(motionevent event) {     if (event.getaction() != motionevent.action_down)         game.showkeypadorerror(selx, sely);     foreground.setcolor(getresources().getcolor(r.color.puzzle_foreground));     foreground.setstyle(style.fill);     foreground.settextsize(height * 0.75f);     foreground.settextscalex(width / height);     foreground.settextalign(;     fontmetrics fm = foreground.getfontmetrics();     positionx = (int) event.getx();     positiony = (int) event.gety() - (fm.ascent + fm.descent) / 2;      return true; }  public void setselectedtile(string tile, string strorientations) {     // todo auto-generated method stub     log.v("getting string in puzzle view ", tile);     if (game.settileifvalid(selx, sely, tile)) {         strgettile = tile;         getorientation = strorientations;         mtextpaths.add(path);         data.add(new kirti(positionx, positiony, strgettile,                 getorientation, width, height));         invalidate();         log.v("getting mtextpaths", mtextpaths.tostring());     }  }} 

the model class is:

public class kirti { float positionx; float positiony; string strgettile; string getorientation; float width; float height; public kirti(float positionx, float positiony, string strgettile,         string getorientation, float width, float height) {     super();     this.positionx = positionx;     this.positiony = positiony;     this.strgettile = strgettile;     this.getorientation = getorientation;     this.width = width;     this.height = height; } public float getpositionx() {     return positionx; } public void setpositionx(float positionx) {     this.positionx = positionx; } public float getpositiony() {     return positiony; } public void setpositiony(float positiony) {     this.positiony = positiony; } public string getstrgettile() {     return strgettile; } public void setstrgettile(string strgettile) {     this.strgettile = strgettile; } public string getgetorientation() {     return getorientation; } public void setgetorientation(string getorientation) {     this.getorientation = getorientation; } public float getwidth() {     return width; } public void setwidth(float width) {     this.width = width; } public float getheight() {     return height; } public void setheight(float height) {     this.height = height; }} 


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