java - Comparing values using hashtable -

there table like:

code(starts with)     value 1                       aaa 101d                    bbb 101dg                   ccc 2                       ddd 

the above table has columns code , corresponding values. code column signifies string starts code given , on comparing input code of user, corresponding value assigned value column of table.

for example:

  • if user's code 100000, value should aaa......
  • for user's code 101d1111, value should bbb(not aaa if starts 1 consider more significant comparison 101d)......
  • for user's code 101dg222, value should ccc(not bbb if starts 101d notice significant comparison).....
  • for user cose 23333, value=ddd.....

i have put following table in hashtable key code column , value value column.

hashtable hash= new hashtable(); hash.put("1","aaa"); hash.put("101d","bbb"); hash.put("101dg","ccc"); hash.put("2","ddd");  string comp="101d1111";//string compare  iterator itr= hash.entryset().iterator();  while(itr.hasnext()) {    map.entry e=(map.entry);    string key=  (string).getkey();     //**here logic needed compare comp , key , retrieve corrsponding    value here bbb**   } 

kindly me logic.

you have first sort entries key length, longest ones being first , shortest ones last. because first want check whether code starts 101dg, , check whether starts 101dg , 1.

then check matches use this:

if (comp.substring(0,key.length()).equals(key)) {     // it's match — use value } 


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