Sending Refreshed Excel Sheet Every Workday using VBA Excel/Outlook -

every day @ 3pm have send out excel workbook colleague. macro in workbook copies cells in 1 sheet , paste special sheet , saves workbook. have written macro , send email address, struggle have sent automatically. have instructed scheduling tasks already, don't know how make link between opening excel, performing marco, saving workbook , sending specified person. code below - help.

sub fixing()      sheets("sheet2").select     activewindow.smallscroll down:=-9     selection.copy     sheets("sheet1").select     range("a1").select     selection.pastespecial paste:=xlpastevaluesandnumberformats, operation:= _       xlnone, skipblanks:=false, transpose:=false     range("i7").select     application.cutcopymode = false      dim outapp object     dim outmail object      set outapp = createobject("outlook.application")     set outmail = outapp.createitem(0)      on error resume next     outmail         .to = ""         .cc = ""         .bcc = "my email address"         .subject = "daily email"         .body = ""         .attachments.add ("f:\excel models\daily email.xlsm")         .send     end     on error goto 0      set outmail = nothing     set outapp = nothing end sub 

create vbscript file e.g. start excel action.vbs following code inside:

    dim exl     set exl = createobject("excel.application")     'not required     exl.visible = true      'your file , macro "full path excel file including extension here" "fixing"      'close     exl.quit     set exl = nothing 

save file , set windows task scheduler to run vbs file @ 3 pm.


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