iron router - Meteor.user() login issue -

i testing restrict login function router code below

var requirelogin = function() {    if (! meteor.user()) {    console.log("user not logged");  } else {    console.log("user logged");  } }  router.onbeforeaction(requirelogin, {except: ['home','login','about']}); 

when try enter restricted area userprofile ask me log in , print "user not logged" , after log in , try access area again. printing both code starts "user not logged" , "user logged"

i want know how avoid happen? since page become glitched when happened.

i want print "user logged" if enter restricted area page.

any appreciated.

you need integrate meteor.loggingin() somewhere in requirelogin function. because, what's happening meteor still loading user system , every route change, re-authenticates user based on current session, if exists.

var requirelogin = function() {      if(!meteor.user()){         if(meteor.loggingin()){             this.render(this.loadingtemplate);         }else{             this.render('accessdenied');         }     }else {;     } } 

you notice uses this.loadingtemplate. keep this, must configure routes have loading template. e.g.:

router.configure({   loadingtemplate: 'loading' }); 

or swap out this.render('loading'); 'loading' template name of 'now loading' yield/page.


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