How to create bandwidth usage aggregation for each user in kibana -

i want create plot/table of each user bandwidth usage. how do in kibana? have sent byte , receieved bytes each user.

in short want output of

   select users, sum(sentbyte + receievedbyte) table_name group users order users desc 

kibana : enter image description here

updated question :

today, came know there no support of aggregation in kibana 3.x version. have use kibana 4.x. have used following form of request elastic search , gives desired result. how represent in graphical form in kibana 4 beta 2?

post logstash-2014.12.02/_search {   "size": 0,   "aggs": {     "group_by_bandwidth": {       "terms": {         "field": "user",         "order": {           "totalbandwidth": "desc"         }       },        "aggs": {         "totalbandwidth": {           "sum": {             "script" : "doc['rcvdbyte'].value + doc['sentbyte'].value"              }            }          }        }      }  } 

this how accomplish in latest build of kibana 4 beta (master):

  1. setup scripted field users total bandwidth. now, i've called field bandwidth, use script doc['rcvdbyte'].value + doc['sentbyte'].value, , set return value number scripted field editor

  2. use sum aggregation add bandwidth each user. in dataset don't have users, i'm using clientip. enter image description here

while data different, fields swapped out dataset , should work fine. these aggregations should work in other visualization types.

hope helps!


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