java - Getting values from JOptionPane and using them to create a new instance of a class -

i want retrieve user values joptionpane, want use values parameters creation of new instance of class. code:

protected void addcar() {    string[] size = {"large","small"};    string[] value = {"valuable","not valuable"};      jtextfield regnum = new jtextfield();     jlist carsize = new jlist(size);     jlist carvalue = new jlist(value);      carvalue.getselectedvalue();     system.out.println(carsize.getselectedvalue());     object[] fields =      {         "registration number", regnum,         "car size", carsize,         "car value", carvalue     };      joptionpane.showoptiondialog(rootpane, fields, "wish continue?",              joptionpane.default_option, joptionpane.yes_no_option,              null, null, regnum);   }//end addcar 

you can user input components passed showoptiondialog() after has returned.

one thing note: 4th parameter of showoptiondialog() option type should yes_no_option , not default_option. , 5th parameter message type can pass information_message example. other parameters not relevant in case.

see example:

// code here create components  joptionpane.showoptiondialog(null, fields, "wish continue?",    joptionpane.yes_no_option, joptionpane.information_message, null, null, null);  system.out.println(fields[0] + ": " + regnum.gettext()); system.out.println(fields[2] + ": " + carsize.getselectedvalue()); system.out.println(fields[4] + ": " + carvalue.getselectedvalue()); 


registration number: 1234 car size: large car value: not valuable 

if want use these values create instance of class, can pass them this:

otherclass oc = new otherclass(regnum.gettext(), carsize.getselectedvalue(),         carvalue.getselectedvalue()); 

this assumed otherclass has constructor this:

public otherclass(string regnum, string carsize, string carvalue) { } 


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