javascript - Bootstrap stateful button not working as expected -

i trying bootstrap button show "loading..." while time consuming function (fetching data external source) executed. interestingly, reference implementation using settimeout works perfectly.

it seems me somehow $(button).button('loading') command executed after function closes , settimeout works around waiting in background. how can replicate result of settimeout command code something?

jsfiddle demonstrating problem.

here html code:

<button type="button" class="btn btn-warning" id="comb" data-loading-text="loading..." autocomplete="off" onclick="comb()">combinations</button> <button class="btn btn-primary" id="timer" data-loading-text="loading..." autocomplete="off" onclick="timer()">set timeout</button> 

and here javascript:

function combinations(str) {     var fn = function (active, rest, a) {         if (!active && !rest) return;         if (!rest) {             a.push(active);         } else {             fn(active + rest[0], rest.slice(1), a);             fn(active, rest.slice(1), a);         }         return a;     }     return fn("", str, []); }  function comb() {     var btn = $('#comb').button('loading');     console.log(combinations('abcdefghijklmnopqrs'));//this function takes lot of time (~5s) execute     btn.button('reset'); }  function timer() {     var btn = $('#timer').button('loading');     settimeout(function () {         btn.button('reset');     }, 3000); } 

i found working solution of hack. still appreciate better suggestions and/or explanatinos going on.

here html:

<button type="button" class="btn btn-warning" id="comb" data-loading-text="loading..." autocomplete="off" onclick="comb()">combinations</button> 

and here working javascript (basically wrapped code in settimeout command short timeout:

function combinations(str) {     var fn = function (active, rest, a) {         if (!active && !rest) return;         if (!rest) {             a.push(active);         } else {             fn(active + rest[0], rest.slice(1), a);             fn(active, rest.slice(1), a);         }         return a;     }     return fn("", str, []); }  function comb() {     var btn = $('#comb').button('loading');     settimeout(function () {         console.log(combinations('abcdefghijklmnopqrs'));         btn.button('reset');     },100); } 

it seems me, code executing preventing bootstraps javascript (or jquery) changing button state until finished. settimeout command gives bootstraps javascript time change button state before code executed. still find strange , appreciate explanation.


here jsfiddle demonstrating solution

edit2: realized timeout of 100 ms safer 10ms because slower devices/browsers might not able rebuild page in 10ms. updated code/jsfiddle accordingly.

edit3: peterblazejevicz on @ the bootstrap github issue tracker, found elegant solution using promise:

function comb() {     var btn = $('#promise').button('loading');     var request = $.ajax('/');     request.done(function (data) {         console.log(combinations('abcdefghijklmnopqrs'));     });     request.always(function () {         btn.button('reset');     }); } 

here updated , final jsfiddle demonstrating solution


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