ruby on rails - ActiveAdmin hide Delete action by condition -

i have problem.

in activeadmin need hide delete action condition.

i did #index page. don't know how trick #show page.

here's code:

index     selectable_column     column :id |package|       link_to, admin_subscription_package_path(package)     end     column :title     column :plan_status     column :duration |package|       if package.duration == 1         "#{package.duration} day"       else         "#{package.duration} days"       end     end     column 'price (usd)', :price |package|       number_to_currency(package.price, locale: :en)     end     column :actions |object|       raw(           %(             #{link_to 'view', admin_subscription_package_path(object)}             #{(link_to 'delete', admin_subscription_package_path(object),                        method: :delete) unless object.active_subscription? }             #{link_to 'edit', edit_admin_subscription_package_path(object)}           )       )      end   end 

or maybe can more useful pages @ once.

use action_item purpose:

activeadmin.register mymodel    actions :index, :show, :new, :create, :edit, :update, :destroy    action_item only: :show      if condition       link_to "delete whatever", {action: :destroy}, method: :delete, confirm: 'something deleted forever. sure?'     end   end  end 


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